Patrick: yes re the window this is correct that is how it displays. however VSl have covered this issue in another thread - there was no other way to get the window to open directly from the instrument track since it is in fact another app that you are running which runs off the VSL server, this is really a limitation of VST / AU instrument interface and not a fault of not trying on part of the VSL team - at least that is my understanding of it from what I remember reading. In other words, we can expect this feature to probably be fixed as soon as it is technically possible.
But like I said, when you weigh up the time savers against this issue, it's a non-issue.
If you want to open EXS, it's two clicks, versus 3 with VI, but in Cubase, (where you don't need EXS anymore anyway - so Cubase is again a viable option) it's only two - one to open that pop up window and two to open the VI editor, so, no different than with VI. Cubase also has the added benefit of "unloading" samples when you freeze a track, which I find reallly useful, it means you can load a lot more instruments. In Logic freezing doesn't unload RAM and so you still have a ceiling, I would imagine, in Cubase the ceiling is only limited by tracks and general host issues but not the VSL itself (providing you only unfreeze a certain amount of tracks at a given time - which is quite workable).
But like I said, when you weigh up the time savers against this issue, it's a non-issue.
If you want to open EXS, it's two clicks, versus 3 with VI, but in Cubase, (where you don't need EXS anymore anyway - so Cubase is again a viable option) it's only two - one to open that pop up window and two to open the VI editor, so, no different than with VI. Cubase also has the added benefit of "unloading" samples when you freeze a track, which I find reallly useful, it means you can load a lot more instruments. In Logic freezing doesn't unload RAM and so you still have a ceiling, I would imagine, in Cubase the ceiling is only limited by tracks and general host issues but not the VSL itself (providing you only unfreeze a certain amount of tracks at a given time - which is quite workable).