Julian makes valid points: I point out though that the interface issue is a technical limitation of the host not VI, that said, it can indeed be a bit frustrating but still, your original question was in regards to a comparison of EXS and VI and in that, there remains NO comparison (in my opinion), the fact is these *two* issues aside, the amount of time it saves you and the grace with which it does do it's appointed tasks, and the improvement in sound quality, and the fact you save time and can load a lot more articulations than you ever could with EXS all add up to make those two interface issues non issues, for me at least. It's easy enough to realise that logic is a background app after a few times. VI is in fact it's own app separate from Logic, and they had to do that to get it to run the way they needed it to. Future releases will no doubt see and end to this limitation (of course we hope so). However, if you use Expose, the mac osx window organising system it's easy enough to put your mouse in the top left corner or press F9 to jump back to the VI window you just had open if you switched back to Logic. You CAN also play parts from within the VI window, that does work, you just cannot hit "play" because you are technically not in Logic. You simply click the Logic window behind, hit space bar. Providing you don't open another VI window the one you were just working in goes into the background and can be access via expose's f9 key. It's a minor annoyance, not the fault of VSL, that really doesn't count as a negative in comparison to the major and significant improvements VI has over EXS, once again IMO.