Thanks to you all for the feedback. I really appreciate it. It all seems encouraging which is good. Interestingly no real negatives.
One other question:
I still use Protools as a front end using DTDM (ESB). Are there any really nasty conflicts with VI on ESB instrument tracks? One problem I had with EW choir was that their much vaunted 'word builder' feature needed multiple midi channels which simply never worked on my set up.
Jack: I think it is a bit of a shame that the samples are encoded as metadata because one way I have found useful and quick to work is this - I want to search a particular cymbal hit (for example) to insert in a recording. I simply go to the import audio page and audition the samples directly. There are a massive number of samples that I would never have found searching through presets. Having auditioned ones I like I then simply import them as audio files into my arrangement. Voila! I would have liked to still have this option but in 24 bit.
JWL and Ploughman :You both make the point that EXS library is by no means reduntant. Im fairly sure I'll be using a combination of VI and EXS which in turn, makes me wonder whether I may be best off initially, spending my hard earned cash on the new samples (Power Trumpets/Appassionata etc) rather than doubling up the ones that I already have. Probably I should replace some of the Pro Edition instruments that are really going to sound noticeably better in 24 bit initially and where the VI performance is really going to notice. Any ones particularly stand out as sounding dramatically better? Maybe the Brass and Strings?
Looking at the 'Discount Calculator' It appears there would be little financial incentive to buy the entire Cube rather than individual VI's. Anyway I have already bought the Orchestral Strings 1 so maybe I have inadvertantly lost that opportunity.
Julian and mpower88: I take your points about the VI window. Maybe I have an old version but whenever I open VI get a white pop-up window saying: "Vienna Instruments AudioUnit-Server Interface...Show Window" which strikes me as a mildly annoying bug.
I guess everything is bound to sound better in 24 bit...
Right..I obviously need to spend some time watching the videos etc. Thanks for the encouragement. I guess that's what I need. I'll keep an eye here for further comments.
One other question:
I still use Protools as a front end using DTDM (ESB). Are there any really nasty conflicts with VI on ESB instrument tracks? One problem I had with EW choir was that their much vaunted 'word builder' feature needed multiple midi channels which simply never worked on my set up.
Jack: I think it is a bit of a shame that the samples are encoded as metadata because one way I have found useful and quick to work is this - I want to search a particular cymbal hit (for example) to insert in a recording. I simply go to the import audio page and audition the samples directly. There are a massive number of samples that I would never have found searching through presets. Having auditioned ones I like I then simply import them as audio files into my arrangement. Voila! I would have liked to still have this option but in 24 bit.
JWL and Ploughman :You both make the point that EXS library is by no means reduntant. Im fairly sure I'll be using a combination of VI and EXS which in turn, makes me wonder whether I may be best off initially, spending my hard earned cash on the new samples (Power Trumpets/Appassionata etc) rather than doubling up the ones that I already have. Probably I should replace some of the Pro Edition instruments that are really going to sound noticeably better in 24 bit initially and where the VI performance is really going to notice. Any ones particularly stand out as sounding dramatically better? Maybe the Brass and Strings?
Looking at the 'Discount Calculator' It appears there would be little financial incentive to buy the entire Cube rather than individual VI's. Anyway I have already bought the Orchestral Strings 1 so maybe I have inadvertantly lost that opportunity.
Julian and mpower88: I take your points about the VI window. Maybe I have an old version but whenever I open VI get a white pop-up window saying: "Vienna Instruments AudioUnit-Server Interface...Show Window" which strikes me as a mildly annoying bug.
I guess everything is bound to sound better in 24 bit...
Right..I obviously need to spend some time watching the videos etc. Thanks for the encouragement. I guess that's what I need. I'll keep an eye here for further comments.