I just realised this was a thread about the demos!!
Well I just came back because I finally had a proper listen to your concerto Guy and I have to say this is where you are certainly at your best, when you are free to write the music in the directions that you want to go, and have fun with it it's so obvious you had fun with this one. Congratulations really excellent and so unique! You are really developing yourself as a significant contributor to compositions not only using VSL but all around and obviously your consummate piano skills as performance and also composer show themselves well here, - this is really showing us mortals what can be done with this library and it's truly ascendant and inspiring to know that the possibilities are very far reaching and deep musically indeed, and we can learn from your example and apply this knowledge of what *can* be done in the most musical sense not just as an immitation of an orchestra but as a tool for pure art itself, and be emboldened (I always wanted to use that word he he) by it for our own writing ventures - to write with a confidence that nothing really holds us back here but our own musical sense of adventure and what limitations we do or do not place upon it (I suggest none!). Also, there is a wonderful use of space here even when apparently the sound is full and that was especially interesting.
All the Best,