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  • Ah, I WISH I could just use Pro Tools. Mixing implementation is still the best, but the MIDI implementation is still so far behind DP that I only use PT for songs. Without a notation page (and many, many other features), I just find it too hard to use for serious MIDI. So I put up with the problems and curse a lot (first and foremost: no separate outputs from virtual instruments when working in DP in RTAS mode. So if you have 16 tracks in one Mach Five instantiation, you have to send them all out the same output pair. Also problems sending timing sync to Stylus RMX, no ReWire capability in RTAS mode, etc.).

    HOWEVER... since you're using Mac Minis with PT HD 3: How many Mac Minis are you using? If more than four, how are you getting their audio outputs into PT? Do you have more than one Digi I/O unit? I have one 96 I/O and would love to find a cheaper way of bringing in additional digital audio streams than buying a second and maybe third one.


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    @cm said:

    jerome, i didn't look into a mini mac by myself so far if there might be even a *header* - but see by yourself

    Hey cm... check this out :

    I completely forgot that there's no such thing as a standard SATA connector in the Mac Mini... there a big connector (above the Airport card) that goes to this daughterboard which is designed to plug directly to a SATA drive.

    No luck 😕


  • Vagn Luv / plurye: I am using Logic TDM (ie using Logic as a front end for ProTools HD) and it's 100% stable and an excellent platform, ESB bridge works fine too.

    I'm churning out one soundtrack after the other on it - I use it for programming, recording, mixing (stereo and surround), also orchestral recording when I just patch it into an other studio's 192s. Having to do the sequencing and recording/mixing on different platforms (eg Logic and ProTools) would just cost far too much time.

    Plurye: In Logic TDM you can use AU and TDM plugs (not RTAS) but they are essentially in different environments and connected by the ESB System Bridge, an internal; 8 channel connection. Some people also use a separate soundcard for native audio and then connect it to a 192 via ADAT.

    I haven't yet used VI with this rig - I hear there are problems with Vi and Logic TDM in terms of screen re-draws or something like that. I am just using an external PC for samples - coming in via ADAT.

    If you're interested I can give you the details (versions etc). I think nicks@aubergine from the forum here is also on Logic TDM (How are you Nick?)


  • yep - if i'm right the interconnect slot holds all connections, but too sad apple has not donated an external sATA connector to us. possibly OSX does not recognize sATA disks as plug&play devices? XP does not always ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Dom (and Nick?),

    I would LOVE to know the details re Logic TDM use, as you (Dom) so generously offer! My big issues using DP in DAE mode:

    1. Can't send the individual instruments from a multitrack virtual inst (e.g., Mach Five or Stylus RMX) to separate outputs, so they can be processed by my lovely, expensive Digi cards. Does the ESB give you this capability, and is it straightforward or hair-raising?

    2. Timing sync to RMX (presumably this is no problem, since you'd use the AU version).

    3. ReWire inactive (also presumably no problem, since this is outside the RTAS realm).

    Could you elaborate on the "separate soundcard for native audio/lightpipe to HD" idea as well? Don't quite get that.


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    @plurye said:

    I have one 96 I/O and would love to find a cheaper way of bringing in additional digital audio streams than buying a second and maybe third one.

    If you're on 44k or 48k you can connect a 2nd hand Digidesign ADAT Bridge (24bit) (around £250-£300 on ebay) to the legacy port of your 96. That'll give you an extra 16 ADAT inputs.

  • Dom,

    Excellent tip re the ADAT bridge! Thanks.


  • 1. It does, but you have only 8 channels in total that connect your native side with TDM. Unless you use the "core audio" on separate soundcard idea. (see 4 below). You can however run EXS24 - Logic's built-in sampler - as a TDM plugin, and then you don't have the 8 channel restriction.

    2. Fine. RMX just runs on the native side.

    3. I don't know about rewire - I've never used it.

    4. You could have for example and RME card with 16 ADAT outputs that you use for Core audio. You then stream these 16 channels of ADAT into a Digi 192 Digital for example. Again both environments - native (core-audio) and TDM are both controlled by Logic as part of the same session. Some people find thus combo more stable (for me they're both stable). One problem with this is though the timing between the 2 audio engines can be erratic when you have Logic's plug-in delay compensation switched on.

    There are some overall disadvantages of the Logic/TDm combo: surround TDM plugins are not supported. Multi-mono plugs are not supported. Bussing and routing is not as flexible as Protools. It can take longer to instantiate TDM plugins. (up to 3 seconds or so).


  • Dom,

    Interesting. So am I correct in saying that with the RME card scheme you could process 16 channels of audio on the native side, then lightpipe them over to a Digi I/O, to get around the 8-channel internal bridge limit?

    Also, I assume when you refer to the TDM version of EXS24, you mean HTDM, i.e., host-based, yes? Or does EXS24 instantiate on the Digi DSP chips themselves?


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    @plurye said:


    Interesting. So am I correct in saying that with the RME card scheme you could process 16 channels of audio on the native side, then lightpipe them over to a Digi I/O, to get around the 8-channel internal bridge limit?r

    Yes. But essentially what I am doing in practice: I'm using ESB, so I have 8 channels only. I mix the native stuff down to a stereo stream (obviously can't use TDM plugs for that) but use the remaining ESB channels as sends to the TDM reverbs (TL Space, ReVibe etc). I do all the acoustic recording on the TDM side and use all the TDM plugs for that.

    When you talk about the 16 native channels: of course you can have as many channels as your rig can take, but they have to be channelled out of the 16 outputs.

    And yes, EXS24 works essentially as a HTDM plug if inserted on a TDM aux.

  • Dom,

    Cool -- thanks!
