I opened the same file that exhibited problems with notes being cut off yesterday (which had first worked fine and then not worked so well after I fiddled around unsuccsfully with Jack OSX. It still had the same problems this morning. I made a new file that duplicated the settings of the original file (but was not a duplicate thereof).
In Logic:
1. created two MIDI Instruments named VSL Standalone 1 and 2
2 set the ports of these instruments to IAC port 3 and Iac Port 4 respectively.
3. Disconnected the Physical Input sum from the Input Monitor atached to the Sequence Input Object
4. connected the appropriate ports (but not IAC Ports 3 or 4) individually to the Input Monitor.
5. Launched two instances of the standalone and loaded 1 patch into each
6. Instantiated one instance of the VI Plugin as a Logic Audio Instrument
No more problems with notes being cut off with any combination of 3 perf legato or single note instruments. Only problem is that all standalone audio outputs go to the same channels. I would try Nick's solution if I had the right cables to go from Built In Audio to the MOTU 2408. That loopback feature of the RME interface sounds pretty nifty.
As to why the original file ceased to work properly, I (for want of any obviously compelling evidence) speculate that fooling around with Jack OSX in combination with Soundflower may have damaged the file and caused the cut off notes.
It might be helpful if we started a thread with a feature request for the standalone asking that the folks at VSL consider adding the ability to choose audio output channels to it - - and perhaps also that they consider giving it the ability to receive MIDI on specific channels rather than requring the use of an entire bus.
Again many thanks to everyone for their efforts regarding this issue.
In Logic:
1. created two MIDI Instruments named VSL Standalone 1 and 2
2 set the ports of these instruments to IAC port 3 and Iac Port 4 respectively.
3. Disconnected the Physical Input sum from the Input Monitor atached to the Sequence Input Object
4. connected the appropriate ports (but not IAC Ports 3 or 4) individually to the Input Monitor.
5. Launched two instances of the standalone and loaded 1 patch into each
6. Instantiated one instance of the VI Plugin as a Logic Audio Instrument
No more problems with notes being cut off with any combination of 3 perf legato or single note instruments. Only problem is that all standalone audio outputs go to the same channels. I would try Nick's solution if I had the right cables to go from Built In Audio to the MOTU 2408. That loopback feature of the RME interface sounds pretty nifty.
As to why the original file ceased to work properly, I (for want of any obviously compelling evidence) speculate that fooling around with Jack OSX in combination with Soundflower may have damaged the file and caused the cut off notes.
It might be helpful if we started a thread with a feature request for the standalone asking that the folks at VSL consider adding the ability to choose audio output channels to it - - and perhaps also that they consider giving it the ability to receive MIDI on specific channels rather than requring the use of an entire bus.
Again many thanks to everyone for their efforts regarding this issue.