I'm with you on that, Stephen. I think main big point that comes out of this discussion/investigation is that it may be worth VSL bulking-up the standalone a little - different midi channels, access to channels on audio devices, and maybe even multiple instances of the VI -- like a host, but not a host for plugins, just a host for the basic VI. I don't know exactly what could be done in this regard, but it certainly seems worthwhile to investigate what's possible with multiple processes.
I had the idea a while ago about the vsl-server actually spawning new instances of itself in response to memory demand, and based on available memory. Though I suppose this could be a bit of a nightmare with the server. Mind you, since the standalone seems totally self-contained, it certainly is a good candidate for such "spawning"...
I had the idea a while ago about the vsl-server actually spawning new instances of itself in response to memory demand, and based on available memory. Though I suppose this could be a bit of a nightmare with the server. Mind you, since the standalone seems totally self-contained, it certainly is a good candidate for such "spawning"...