Just a little extra support... I've also had a variety of problems since installing the VIs, and suspect these to be Syncrosoft-related as well; hard freezes, achingly long VI launches which have ended in nothing at all being launched, Vienna Keys which at one moment fail to see any licenses then in the next happily launch my VIs. Way too buggy. I have, thus far, been lucky to have got away with simply re-installing the LCC software and the VI software, which (on my system anyway) seems to get things up and running again.
Terribly impressed by the VIs, but terribly unimpressed with Syncrosoft.
I also use MaxMSP regularly, which is Pace/iLok. I don't have an iLok key, rather using the Challenge/Response system, but based on the general lack of iLok complaints on the cycling74 forum, I'd vote to switch to iLok as well. (I wouldn't, however, be too pleased if asked to pay for new iLok keys... however, if pushed, I'd still pay to switch.) I've had to do one archive and install already, after a hard freeze (and subsequent forced reboot) thoroughly mangled my disk directory. No actual data loss, fortunately.
I should also mention that I completely support VSL's efforts to protect the enormous investment they've put into their products. But when copy-protection has such a clearly negative impact on registered users, I find it difficult to see the benefits... Ultimately, this is costing them money, not saving it.
I hope you get your system up and running, Peregrine; the VIs really are a joy to use. Even if the process of getting them running, and keeping them running, is somewhat Purgatorial!