I'm running the DIGI 96/8 PAD in a G5 dual 1.8 (the older one with the 8 ram slots). It works perfectly well under 10.4.7. What I'm finding confusing in the above is that you mention:
"...6) Install DIGI96_14 pkg file
Now I see the new "Settings Dialog" app (looks like a pci-card) BUT it will not launch...
And G5 does NOT see the RME card!
Now the DIGI96 1.2a driver DOES work and the Hammer / Chisel App DOES launch..... "
This implies that the 1.2a driver is still installed... yes? If so, rip that out too.
The one odd thing I've always found about the app with 1.4 is that it won't come to the front unless you click it a couple of times. Also, some apps will magically switch the card over to 96 kHz (including the VI standalone app!); no warning, no explanation. It just happens. But those are the only problems I've had. I'm guessing you have either a problem with a PCI slot, or a problem with the card.
Were you on 10.4.6 before 10.4.7, by any chance? I spent all day yesterday fixing my machine after a couple of months of odd and freaky behavior which I strongly suspect was _all_ due to 10.4.6 being crap. I had all sorts of strange, file system-related problems. I wonder if you're having the same sort of issues. If you're running 10.4.7, did you use the Combo Updater, or Software Update?
Also, when you say the G5 does not "see" the card, what do you mean? In the System Profiler? If that's the case either the slot of the card is dead, no two ways about it. System Profiler is the most basic, hardware-level report of what's connected, regardless of drivers, functionailty, etc. You also mention DIGI 9636. Is this a brand new card, or the older model. The old ones were not all G5 compatible... Some were, some weren't. I'm sure you checked this, but just to be sure.
...also, if the G5 doesn't see the card, why are you getting any sound at all?