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    @Another User said:

    hehe - I used to be all giddy thinking about a VSL choir, and I still think its cool. However the price will be so far out for a choir library that I dont think its worth it on a cost/usage ratio. If its really going to kick ass it would be around the same size as the cube, and I just dont do enough choir stuff to spend $11000 getting it. Again, dont get me wrong - I'm sure it would be awesome - but very expenssive.

    Aw, come on Herb... Spill the beans... There's a least 3 of us just desperate for the choir [8-)]

    Here's a suggestion: split it up into various types or genres: say
    1. renaissance/baroque
    2. classical/romantic
    3. 20th century
    4. childrens choir

    and then we can just pick whichever choir(s) that we want...

    Easy peasy [:D]

  • A bass flute should arrive one day, that shouln't be too expenssive to record

  • Me wish I had the new strings in Giga format (2.5), I know I'm behind the times, but if there was a way......... [:(]

  • hi damon - you made yourself scarce ...
    GS2 format not possible because samples are 24 bit .... GS3 format would be technically possible, but since the app. violins are a bonus for ViennaInstruments users only this option does not apply ... unfortunately

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I know bro, I just wish I could have those nice expressive violins.

  • Is it a bug ?

    Performance Legato Heavy Vibrato
    Press B0 (portamento)
    Play E5 to C6 ... I think the result is F5 to C6
    Same thing around this (E5 to B5 ...)

    Is it me ?

    Thanks [[;)]]

  • These strings are great.....
    Thanks guys!

  • Hey guys am I going crazy? Seems like the other day when I downloaded these violins, they keyswitched from porta to I can't get that working....was I dreaming?


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    last edited said:

    Hey guys am I going crazy? Seems like the other day when I downloaded these violins, they keyswitched from porta to I can't get that working....was I dreaming?


    Did you try A0 and B0 ?

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    last edited said:

    Hey guys am I going crazy? Seems like the other day when I downloaded these violins, they keyswitched from porta to I can't get that working....was I dreaming?


    Did you try A0 and B0 ?

    Got little daughter had wandered into my music room and hit the transpose key on my keyboard[[;)]] [[;)]]

    Beware wandering children!


  • Ok ....



    The Appass Strings Perf_trill cell does NOT seem to to have alternations as opposed to the 4 alternations with the regular VI strings......So playing E, F, E, F etc produces a machine-gun effect with the Apass patch.

    Is this a bug?



  • Everything is fine with the performance trills, all in all there are six different up and six different down intervalls from minor second two major third. (all performance trills of all instruments do have these 6+6 intervall variations)
    If you compare any trill performed with normal performance legato (only one up and one down variation) with the performance trill you should here the difference.


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    @SyQuEsT said:

    Is it a bug ?

    Performance Legato Heavy Vibrato
    Press B0 (portamento)
    Play E5 to C6 ... I think the result is F5 to C6
    Same thing around this (E5 to B5 ...)

    Is it me ?

    Thanks [[[;)]]]

    Herb ?

    Maybe a bug ... in my ears [[[;)]]]

  • No bug.


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    @herb said:

    No bug.



  • guys, this might have been asked a hundred times.

    exactly what would i need to get the av strings
    i do own all of the available VI's except chamber strings.

    do i have to buy the whole pro ed orchestral cube? performance set? or can i just buy e.g. the percussions? whatever...

  • sangit, you need to have registered
    - either pro edition strings or pro edition performance set
    - and Vienna Instruments Orchestral Strings I extended

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I'm interested in the appassionata violins; I've got the VI orchestral strings, but I don't have the pro edition. Is there any way to BUY the appassionata violins without having to buy the pro edition?

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    @PierreFunck said:

    I'm interested in the appassionata violins; I've got the VI orchestral strings, but I don't have the pro edition. Is there any way to BUY the appassionata violins without having to buy the pro edition?

    Not currently.


  • "not currently" (opposite to "no never") reveals a chance of it being released sometime, no? i mean if i buy pro edition now and fife days later av would be available for sale i would indeed be annoyed [:)]