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  • VSL and George Bush

    OK. Since people really liked my "German way of explaining things" I'll go a step further.

    Being from the U.S, I watch the news and see how our president (I voted for Kerry) stumbles and tries to explain things over and over again. usually, when you explin things over and over again, it means that:

    1) You don't make sense.

    2) The people that don't buy twhat you're saying.

    You shouldn't have unveiled the cube until you had your discount calculator working and had the upgrade path together.

    Next, I read the postings and see how most people are upset. They in theory are the in the 90% of people that are the "blue collared" workers that do the dirty work trying to hustle that indy film, doing a project for your local church or the commercial demo. If you have some kids, a mortgage, bills, student loans, a wife that wants to go out on vacation and now wants the new pair of shoes, to get charrged basically twice for close to the same thing would bother me also.

    It's funny to read how 10% percent of people or the "Let Them Eat Cake" crowd doesn't seem to mind this. I'm sure this wouldn't hurt the John Powells or Jeff Ronas or James Newton Howards of the world, but the majority don't have it like that...yet.

    So, in the spirit of diplomacy. I urge VSL to charge the same Holiday VIP price ($1,495) as an upgrade price for the full library or the equivelent of 1/3rd. That's Spectrasonics and every other company has done.

  • I have to agree with you totally on this..............

  • Hmmm...

    Maybe not having the discount calculator not up and running is part of the plan. That would allow the VSL folks to get a reading on peoples' reactions. It may determine how generous the discount calculator will be once it's up and running. [:D]

    Lee Blaske

  • Or maybe it's just a test to observe how mad we can get

  • Maybe they're recoding it in light of everyone's frantic discussions.....

    probably not - but it's worth a shot.

  • ta beaswax [:D] i'm agreeing again with these sentiments..

    unless the upgrade path is a friendly one my money is going on garage to studio work LOL

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    @Lee Blaske said:


    Maybe not having the discount calculator not up and running is part of the plan. That would allow the VSL folks to get a reading on peoples' reactions. It may determine how generous the discount calculator will be once it's up and running. [:D]

    Lee Blaske

    Interesting observation. I wouldn't of looked at it through that angle.

  • My general idea about "New" Updates/Products

    I am never the first one to get it anymore ....(I used to and got burned,again and again).
    So if the discount calc works or not -I don't care...I am not going to buy into it until I see it working on somebodys system. And if its worth while I'll jump on it...So basically I wouldn't recommend being an early bird just to save a few'll spend more time (=money) on beta testing the new stuff.

    - Do we know about the efficiency of the plug in ?
    - Stability ?
    - Backwards Compatibility (old sessions/Templates with VSL EXS) ?

    Just because everybody is soo hyped and goes crazy over it doesn't mean it won't have its own demons and its not like you can't finish a TV show/Film without it (if you can't you suc&[;)]

    Just my way of thinking about it...

  • Efficiency should be very high

    There is no backward compability.

  • Sounds Great !!
    I can't wait for NAMM...

  • Bush the Tyrant listens to only those closest to Him - as long as the Agenda is fulfilled.
    Let's hope this is not the case here...

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    @Beaswax said:

    (I voted for Kerry)

    So it was YOU!!!!!!!!