Is there a way to fix and save the order the instruments are listed in MIR Pro 3D?
I am using Dorico with VEP with library based instances (so SY WW, SS Brass, Dim. Brass, Dim Brass CS, SY Percussion, SY Strings Pro, Dim Strings, Duality Strings CS) and have put the MIR Pro 3D plugin on all instrument channels used in the piece including the channels used for independent voice playback (e.g. 7 channels for violins 1; the leader solo, all players ensemble with and without sordino, an a divisi 1 and 2 with and without sordino) in the Dorico mixer.
You then get an instrument list im MIR which does not list the instruments in the order I want (classical orchestral score order). I can subsequently shift the instruments to get this order, can then do the panning, balancing and other settings and save the layout as preset with the venue.
All works perfectly well but each time I reopen the project, the instrument order in the MIR Pro 3D instrument list is messed up again. Is there no way to save this order? Or maybe as a workaround if there is no such possibility how to get the instruments from the start in a a desired order in MIR?
I have 66 instrument lines for this particular piece. So it is challenging if you want to slightly change the settings for the violins 1 voices and they are listed on position 34, 41, 49, 53, 59, 60 and 63in the list.