I took advantage of the voucher sale - great marketing, by the way. I will be using it to buy a full version of the Synchron piano.
I did the demo for the Steinway back when you first offered them and was incredibly impressed. It was always my intention to purchase it. I wanted to compare it to the Yamaha, however. I love the CFX's brighter nature and the hammer often isn't as prominent (which is what I really wanted to check).
Now, you used to offer a return policy and I'm wondering if that's still in place, because if the CFX doesn't do it for me, I'd be returning it and buying the D-274. I also have an EDU discount and wondered if that or the vouchers would be a problem with the return.
In short, this is the long way of saying that I wish you still did demos so I could try before I buy instead of buy-and-return.