Hi everybody, I hope you're having as great time, just a little heads up to my fellow Pro Tools users (probably a very small amount, since PT is not very popular nor great for midi writing). With the newest version just released "2024.10.0" there's some changes that may affect the way your templates work, for instance if you are using strictly Instrument Tracks, now you have automatic input monitoring, so just select the track and off to the races, no need to arm it to hear it, however this came at the cost of screwing the "Midi Thru" option already in place, which means that if you use regular Midi Tracks going to,let's say,a multi-timbral plug in/softsynth/sampler or to VEP Instance and have your audio routed thru auxes,routing folders or any other way other than Instrument tracks, you will not get sound unless the midi track is armed to record and this also applies to hardware instruments. So if you have a big template that uses Midi Tracks and different routings is probably safe to stay away from the last PT version. Everything plays properly so is not a playback thing, is just how the Midi Thru option works now and unfortunately on my case I'll probably have the headache of replacing all my midi tracks for instrument tracks and hope I don't run out of tracks on my current template. Typical Avid.
This is not a VSL problem, is definitely a big Avid change as it affects hardware also.
Just a little headup and my best regards