We are told that the release of Synchron-ized Brass is in the near-term pipeline. We are also in the last weeks of the VI offerings.
I own VI Brass I, but not Brass II. So I need to figure out if it is advantageous or not for me to buy the VI Brass II now and then, when Synchron-ized Brass is released at an introductory price, the crossgrade from VI will save me even more than what I pay for VI Brass II now.
Hope that's not confusing, but I only ask this since Synchron-ized Brass has not yet been released, there is no way for me to add it to my cart to see what my crossgrade price would be.
edited to add:
I'm not asking for a future price, just whether the difference in crossgrade price would justify the purchase of the VI product now. I have no interest in the VI product in and of itself.
Sy Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime
Syz Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir, Dim Brass, Dim Strings
VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro
Cubase 13, Studio One 6, Dorico 5