If I load up two -empty- instances of the Synchon player (v1.3.1137 - latest at this time) in Studio One 6.5.1, it takes about 0,5s to switch between the two.
With Duality strings vln1 and vln2 both using "Room-Mix presets Std/02 Classic" loaded in those 2 insances: 1s
With Duality strings vln1 and vln2 both using "Surround to stereo downmix/02 Classic" loaded in those 2 insances: 4s
So yes, I dare to say this is related to the number of mic positions. Honestly speaking 0,5s with an empty Synchron player isnt the best starting point either, but with actual instruments loaded this is a MAJOR pain.
Being a person that is experimenting a lot with mic positions, trying to get different types of spacial characteristics depending on the project, this is such a workflow killer - insane 😭😭😭 Especially when there are other players that do not suffer from this.
I split my A & B in Duality on seperate tracks, so thats already 10 tracks for a classic string setup. And I still layer/divisi this with Synchron Strings Pro in some cases, so make that 15.
Thats 60 seconds lost waiting to change everything into another mic position to try something new. Not great.