Thanks Dietz for a detailed reply its much appreciated. I think MirPro3D is a remarkable update and can't wait to hear immersive sound. MirPro3D is really the ultimate 3D panner plugin!
I have been wanting to setup surround setup in my home studio, not because I need to ship surround product. I am just a humble hobbiest I don't have to ship ANY product. Its only about pleasing my own senses really. I was simply going to add two rear speakers to my humble home studio so that I could at least have some 2D sound.
Alright I am getting an Atmos Sonos system in the living room, so maybe playing something back on my TV in the living room with full atmos could be enjoyable eventually too, impress some friends and family. or perhaps eventually ship some kind of encoded MP4 that friends and family could playback on their home sonos system (or playback through Apple AirPods). Like it or not, that final output format is likely going to be Dolby Atmos.
I think the vast majority of hobbyists will not have even 5.1 monitoring systems in their home studios, much less 5.1.4. Even many working composer pros, will simply not have actual 3D speaker configurations in their home studio. It will have to be binaural monitoring for us all the way if we want to hear an orchestra played back with 3D reverberation from MirPro3D.
In some way it would be hypothetically superior to translate directly from 3rd order ambisonics direct to binaural encoding, with full spherical accuracy...if you know what I mean. not to mention that my daw, Digital Performer, does not currently have any mixing formats that really support 3D sound. It only has 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 and 10.2 whatever that is. They are behind the times it seems. The only reason LogicPro is coming up is because it does support 7.1.2 (or maybe 7.1.4?) as a mixing format, not sure right now about 5.1.4, I will have to look into that. But for myself I will never have 5.1.4 speakers in my studio. At best I will have 4 speakers and many times not even that.
But anyway, I also now realize that its pointless to bring binaural back to the daw from MirPro3D if you intend to do any more mixing with I think any further processing of those binaural tracks would probably destroy the binaural encoding itself... So maybe that was a dumb idea after all.
Ideally we could have the entire DAW in ambisonics mode from end to end...and then convert to the final output format from that...whether that be atmos, or some specific speaker configuration or binaural. That way the full spherical information would be retained all the way through the mixing process and carried into the final output encoding.
But its also pointless now in 2022 to hypothetically consider DAW's being full ambisonics all the way through the mixing chain like that. Maybe in 10-20 years eh, but not now. So I can see why from a practical standpoint we have to mix in some kind of non-encoded multi-channel format that a DAW can make sense out of it for plugins to work properly, for panning tools, etc.. then re-encode it back to either binaural or atmos....(or ship some other format as requested by a client). if you think about it even a direct ambisonics-to-atmos encoder would be a much better thing to ship if the client ultimately wants atmos. The selection of a speaker system is determined at playback time as I understood atmos to be. But the problem is that our DAWs cannot handle mixing ambisonics, nor atmos nor binaural...they fundamentally need to be mixing in one of the folded down speaker configurations.
So anyway, my DAW doesn't support any 3D speaker configurations yet. Maybe 10.2 is? I'm not sure because my current computer doesn't have enough actual audio interface outputs and DP won't even let me setup a mix at 10.2 unless I have enough physical audio outputs to represent 10.2, which I currently don't. So I can't even try it. I am going to try LogicPro later though, because with the Atmos addition they also made sure it can support 7.1.2 or 7.1.4 mix down, even without actual speakers connected in the studio. Then a built in plugin that can re-encode it on the master bus back to binaural so that I can monitor it in my humble home studio.
I actually don't know of any other DAW that provides the capability to encode to binaural on the master bus without a third party plugin...I will look at Cubase12 tomorrow to see what it can do in terms of mixing formats and maybe a binaural output plugin.
Anyway I was also curious and confused a bit about MirPro3D's ambisonics order blending control and what that does exactly and how the virtual loudspeakers are used in MirPro3D while translating back to an actual mixable output format such as 7.1, 10.2...the best that are currently provided by Digital Performer.