Can we first get this ridiculous issue about "The damn English Patient" out of the way, it may not of had excerpts of the Adagio, who cares? The point was the style of music I was looking to accomplish. Although Christian's post was alright, not taking it seriously. [:)]
Paul did mention something important and I was about to bring it up. I did not go through all the threads to see what was already disussed on the subject. I was here about a year ago for a few weeks and in the last weeks I returned. If there was some conclusion on this issue why didn't somebody post me a link to a thread?
I still find it not respectful that people could not accept a criticism of something that was hardly a criticism but an OBSERVATION FROM MY EARS.
At the time I made that statement, I wasn't taking into account the hurtful feelings to VSL I may of caused, possibly pain and suffering! I wasn't rationalizing the outcome of this comment. Just an OBSERVATION from my part. Anybody else may disagree and think the VSL have the warmest strings they've ever heard, that fine. I'm not going to jump on there back.
The other thing is, I'm here not just to learn but to possibly help others. The only demo I ever sent to the head guys here, I was asked if they could put it in the demo section, I said no because I was using cleverly some things and did not want to reveal the potential of it to everybody. However, with time I'd be glad to exchange some tips. Not that I'm Zimmer or anything. But my point is I've been turned off lately.
One more thing. For the 10th time, I love VSL, and I would never trade it for something else, but I'm not insecure in saying that I would use better strings for the Adagio parts or a combination QLSO (which I don't know yet)
and VSL. As soon as you hear long string notes part of a slow melody with VSL it's a give away that it is not real strings and sounds like synt.
It is comments like mine that is going to make VSL improve the main weakness they have. Imagine if they could improve on that! But I'm still happy, appreciative, thankful etc... to what VSL has already done. Thank you, thank you, thank you VSL, you are great! But the slow strings...