I think it's worth remembering when critisising VSL how hard the people who made it actually worked and how dedicated they are. Sure they're getting paid but money isn't everything I'll bet that most of the people involved did it at least as much for the love of the project as the money, in fact if they're like me, they did it primarilyl for the love of the project, and the money was just an excuse to be able to do it. My point is, if anyone is going to critisise VSL they might do well to bear that in mind, because although VSL is at the end of the day a product and a business, and diplomacy is a pre-requisite for the VSL team, they are still going to have emotional reactions to certain critisisms if they are made in a way that seemingly ignores and gives no credit to their hard work and dedication. No names here, I'm not talking about anyone in specific, not even in this post as such more of a general thinig I noticed of when people critisise VSL here on the forum, which is read by the VSL team, it seems that they tend to think that, just because it cost money (money that is in line with it's demand, and quality and size - and money that will be put toward it's future development) they can be as sharp or blunt as they like. Having said that, more string sounds - always good and the romantic strings idea for something down the line - also a good idea. VSL are going to always need to continue to expand the series to keep at the top of the game and that is what makes it such a fantastic thing - that it's not going to succumb to the obsolesence of other sample libraries, it will always sound different as the pallette grows and with that expansion more choices and combinations of sounds. Imagine series on top of series of sounds all with differen tonal and musical qualities that could be blended together anyway you choose - a second pro edition with a whole different quality of texture and ensembles, and choirs, to give vastly expanded tonal possibilities 5-10 years from now.
Well, that's my 22c ramble worth.
Well, that's my 22c ramble worth.