Roger, sorry but in the other thread I had no idea of your intended purpose for recording MIDI from Finale into Logic - I hadn't looked at your thread here since I'm not a notation app user. In that other thread I had assumed you knew that Logic's MIDI recording facilities have (until very recently) always been about capturing live performances by the user (or at most a small ensemble), and not designed for bulk MIDI transmissions from other software applications.
Anyway the good news for you is that Logic 10.7 certainly can record more than 16 MIDI channels simultaneously - and with no need to go into the Environment at all, it's all handled in the Track Inspector in Logic's main screen.
I don't know how Finale communicates its MIDI outputs, but I've just run a quick test with Cubase transmitting 64 MIDI channels in real time to Logic 10.7.1 via 4 IAC Busses, and Logic receiving and recording all 64 channels simultaneously. (Screenshot attached.) Whatever Finale's MIDI Output ports are, I assume they will be found by Logic 10.7 and made available for assignments to tracks in Logic's Track Inspector. I haven't yet tested a similar real time bulk MIDI transmission from Cubase to an AU3 VEPro template in new Logic, but it's on my to do list.
As yet I've no idea what Logic's new upper limit for MIDI recording is. What I saw in my test was Logic taking all 64 channels in its stride in one recording pass without the slightest protest or hiccup.