UPDATE (Further to my last post above).
New Logic can record bulk MIDI data into a VEPro (AU3) template, then re-transmit it to a VEPro server.
I've discovered that Logic 10.7.1, containing an AU3 VEPro template (VSL's Single Instance model was used for the test), can sit in between a bulk real time MIDI transmitter (such as Cubase, as in my test, or any notation app that has all the usual MIDI output facilities) and a VEPro server (locally hosted in the test), and can live-record all of the inbound bulk MIDI data into the AU3 VEPro template, then retransmit that bulk recorded data to a VEPro server.
But there's a snag: it doesn't all happen together.
During Logic's live recording of the bulk MIDI input data (64 channels in my test), I found that VEPro was not receiving any more than the first 18 MIDI channels from Logic - no matter what thread count setting I put into VEPro, and no matter if one or all of the armed tracks were selected in Logic's track list. After each bulk recording in the test, Logic was found to have correctly recorded all 64 channels transmitted live by Cubase.
(My first guess is that it's something to do with Logic's Live-mode MIDI-Thru functionality not having been fully updated to cope with the potential of the new MIDI-In capabilities; we'll see. I have some diagnostic testing in mind: e.g. using further IAC Bus transmitters in place of the VEPro plugins in Logic, then monitoring what's being transmitted from Logic.)
The workaround:-
(I don't see this as too much of a limitation or chore, since it's likely that most notation app users would only use this configuration to take advantage of Logic's various editing facilities, before sending the MIDI onwards to VEPro.)
I found this workaround works (and in any case it relieves my worry that something somewhere might be momentarily saturating one or more CPU cores.)
Before the bulk data live recording in Logic, all AU3 VEPro plugins in Logic should be disabled or switched off. This does not affect Logic's ability to receive all the inbound bulk MIDI data and record it all correctly into the template. When the bulk MIDI recording is completed, all Logic's tracks should then be disarmed and the VEPro plugins in Logic re-enabled. Then Logic can play back all of its recorded tracks to VEPro normally and as expected.