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  • We work on it day in, day out right now. ;-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    We work on it day in, day out right now. ;-)

    thank you for keeping your supporters base informed and the hope alive 😊

    Is the new platform still including a plug-in version, to support DAWs beside VEP?

    (as I wrote in the other post I really want to get rid of my eLicenser for using MIR, and I will for sure upgrade to MIR 3D from day one, if price will be reasonable)

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    @fatis12_24918 said:

    [...] Is the new platform still including a plug-in version, to support DAWs beside VEP? [...]

    I've been asked to stop talking in detail about products that haven't been released yet, but I think it's safe to say that this won't change, in principle. 8-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    Well, understandable position of product management is to avoid premature communication.

    (I hope your boss wasn't too nervous about that LOL)

    Anyway we may say you got some positive effects as well, because often you represent the VSL brand at the best of friendly professionalism, and that's a goal for anybody in business.

    On the other side, being MIR a flagship product and at the time being, quite outdated, any hope and good news about updates and successor are quite welcome from a PR and commercial point of view as well 😇

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    Thanks for your kind words!

    @fatis12_24918 said:

    [....] (I hope your boss wasn't too nervous about that LOL)[...]

    😄 ... I'm not completely sure, but considering that Herb Tucmandl (our "boss") and I have been friends for more than 30 years now, I have high hopes that we will come through this unscathed, too. 😉

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @fatis12_24918 said:

    you got some positive effects as well, because often you represent the VSL brand at the best of friendly professionalism, and that's a goal for anybody in business.

    I second this.  Dietz, you've been extremely helpful, patient, and considerate to not just myself but all MIR users in understanding the nuts and bolts of the software.  Thank you so much for that.  I'm sure we'll all be asking you the same two or three questions over and over again once MIR 3D comes out 😃  I look forward to it!

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    Thanks for the kind words.

    @Another User said:

    I look forward to it!

    So do I. 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @fatis12_24918 said:

    [...] Is the new platform still including a plug-in version, to support DAWs beside VEP? [...]

    I've been asked to stop talking in detail about products that haven't been released yet, but I think it's safe to say that this won't change, in principle. 8-)

    This was going to be my question as well. Big additional vote for continuing with the DAW plug-in option!! That's the only way I use MIR Pro (I do so in DP) for various reasons.



  • Hey guys!

    I'm just setting up my studio with an atmos rig, so MIR 3D could not be more anticipated!
    Until then though, do you guys have any tips on how you're using MIR Pro in an atmos context currently? I can imagine there are many ways to use it creatively. Would be nice to hear from anyone with experience how you've used it!

  • Hi Rasmus,

    thanks for your interest in MIR (3D!)! :-)

    I used several approaches for both Auro 3D and ATMOS in MIR Pro. The most obvious one: Use the main microphone for the lower "bed" and add a second pass to your mix from another (preferably more elevated, most likely "wet only") microphone position in the same Venue. Typical example: The monastery church of Pernegg, where Mic 4 is high above the others. - Truth be told, I've even successfully used a mic a few feet behind the main mic (without elevation) for the top layer. 8-)

    Another quick'n'dirty solution is to use a 3rd-party upmixer (such as Nugen's HALO) to virtually create the missing channels for the top layer.

    ... but don't despair - an actual solution for these (and many other) questions is on its way. :-)


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Tried to upgrade this morning from MIR 24 to MIR PRO and, oooops, not possible any longer! :)

  • product page says:


    now it sounds serious 🧐 

  • What does “soon” exactly mean in this case? Wanted to upgrade to MIR PRO from MIR PRO 24 because I am working on a project with more than 24 instruments and now I am stuck in the limbo… Murphy’s law :(

  • Congratulations Dietz .. et al.

  • Bravo VSL!

    One little question- what strings library used in demo composition "Rhapsodie espagnole - Malagueña"? (very nice violins! I'm ready to buy this library just now! :))

  • I upgraded to MIRPro3D(24) and WOW!!  What I'm impressed with is how much clearer the samples sound.  To my ear it's a big difference and I only have the Special Edition samples for the most part.  Excellent job everyone!  

    I did notice in the demo it seemed one could bring in a track that was pre-recorded.  There was a vocal track I believe was being moved around the virtual venue.  How do you accomplish that?  


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    @Another User said:

    I did notice in the demo it seemed one could bring in a track that was pre-recorded.  There was a vocal track I believe was being moved around the virtual venue.  How do you accomplish that? 

    😄 .... you can't, sorry. I mean - of course you can drag around an Icon in real-time as long as your CPU can handle the load and your ears can stand the inevitable crackles, but positioning is not an automatable parameter. - I specifically asked the marketing gurus at VSL to leave that part out of the video, but they all thought it just looked too cool. *shrugs shoulders*

    Please excuse the confusion this has caused.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • We’ll dragging the icon around isn’t really important but the marketing says you can include existing audio in addition to the virtual players (I’m paraphrasing). I just can’t figure out how to route that. Anyway again I’m blown away with the detail I hear now. It’s a dramatic difference.

  • This is hasn't changed with the transition from legacy MIR Pro to MIR 3D.You can use MIR as a plug-in in any audio track (or bus, at that) of your DAW. If you're planning to stay inside VE Pro exclusively, there's the "VE Pro Audio Input" plug-in that routes a signal from your DAW into VE Pro, but be warned that this will tax your CPU surprisingly high for a number of reasons.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Got it.  Thank you.  That was the piece I was missing. 
