Unfortunately I don't have anything that needs updating so I can't provide you with screenshots. What specific shots do you need/want? Can't show the activity monitor circling in the gui with a still shot and I don't have the ability to do a movie. I checked my security setting in OSX and I have it set to allow install from everywhere. And yes I am running 1.0.129.Hi musicman691,
Please confirm that you are working with Vienna Assistant 1.0.129 (lower left corner).
I cannot reproduce this here.... It would be very good to have your screenshots illustrating your findings, also as "proof" for our developers: support@vsl.co.at
Am surprised this can't be reproduced on your end. It's not just one time that it happened but everytime since the Assistant went to silent install. I've seen issues before with installers that do silent install on my machine; and thankfully those installers allow a choice of silent or regular install. I'm thinking given what I'm seeing that it's the silent install messing things up.
Sorry that you're having the same problem I'm having but also glad to know it's not just me. I don't look at the page you show but another one and it shows the circular thing that looks like a dot chasing itself in a circle. My troubles started when they went to silent install on Vienna Assistant. Major thing I don't like is the Assistant auto-updating when it starts.