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  • Hi Martin, 

    Your eLicenser will be useful and working for as long as you want to use it on your computer and your OS supports the eLicenser version you are using. 
    We will find personal solutions for any troubles that might occur with the Vienna Protection Plan. Having said that, license replacement will work for as long as the eLicenser Server is up and running. 

    You can use the 20 EUR voucher for any purchases in our webshop... doesn't sound useless to me. 

    After the 4 years we know each other, many demo licenses, product returns, license transfers - May I ask to have  a little faith in us?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul!

    First of all, I hope that my statement did not come across as a rant. This was not my intention. If my wording was too harsh I apologize for that. I just wanted to give feedback.

    Second, of course I still have faith in you and VSL. Otherwise I would not have asked if I have done an unnecessary investment, I would have stated it (and then probably would have ranted about it πŸ˜‰)

    Third, before losing confidence in you and your company I would phone in to clarify any problems. Talking to you in our native language or writing in a foreign language could make the big difference. Alternatively I board the β€œ10er” and then the β€œ60er”, you sure have a cafΓ© or a bar near you πŸ˜‰

    So, if the eLicenser server is running until the warranty of the ViennaKey, it’s all good for me. If not I believe we will find a solution of course. As said my statement was just meant to be a considerate feedback!


  • THis is good news as it will simplify things somewhat. I already use iLok for a lot of plug-ins, and it will help to have one license system instead of two.

    The only drawback is that I have fouind through unpleasant experience that iLok licensing doesn't work when backup software is running in the backgroiund. My DAW (and other applications) just hangs when trying to load the plug-in, and everything has to be shut down. I'm using EaseUS ToDo Enterprise, but I've found that the same thing happens with other backup software. So I just have to time all my backups to run overnight, which is tricky.

  • "COMPATIBILITY: Under the iLok system, you will still be able to open existing projects as long as the eLicenser is connected. Once the project has been saved again, the eLicenser will no longer be required."

    If this is the case,  I'll have to keep that e-licenser connected forever for legacy.. having used VEP for more episodes and films than I count,  I'd basically have to re-open every single previous session and resave?  Not a chance of that ever happening.  

    Why is the license tied to each project vs just the app opening with an ilok handshake instead of E-licensor??  

  • Hi Neil, 

    We hear you, and of course we are looking for better options here. 

    I can't make any promises at that point, but for the time being, simply keeping your eLicenser connected will work for sure. 

    We'll keep you up to date!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • How will the Vienna (insurancce) plan work out with this? Will I have to pay twice to insure both Vienna key and ilok?

  • Hi Firefrost, 

    If you keep using both keys, the optional protection plan and iLok ZDT will keep the VSL licenses on both your keys safe. Remember, there's also the cloud option with iLok. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • iLok ZDT and the Vienna Protection Plan seem redundant, am I incorrect? And if we use iLok Cloud, I’m assuming neither ZDT or the Vienna Protection Plan are necessary to protect our VSL licenses?




  • Hi Jeff, 

    You will see more options once we are through this transition. You will be able to use your ViennaKey / eLicenser USB Key (if you like) AND the option you choose with iLok (key or cloud). 

    Depending on your choice and circumstances, the optional Vienna Protection Plan (for the ViennaKey) and the optional ZDT (for your iLok key) will make sense. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul!



  • Many thanks.

    I'd avoid the cloud if only because I sometimes like to work in places where there's no wifi but that's just me!


  • Although I never considered a bad thing the fact of using the eLicenser dongle, I wonder if it is also in discussion the possibility of Linux compatibility with the licensing management system that will replace it.

    Can we dream of the chance of having dedicated slave pc units running Vienna Ensemble Pro on Linux? I know it's quite a stretch, but since there will be a migration from eLicenser to iLok (don't know much about iLok compatibility with Linux distros though), wonder if that was actually considered by the good people of VSL.

    In any outcome, I'll still going to keep supporting VSL products :D

  • Paul:

    Will there be Ilok computer authorizations as well as hardware Ilok?

  • Hi beatpete, 

    We are looking at iLok key and iLok cloud right now. No computer authorizations. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Ok that's a shame. It would be perfect for me if I could have my 3 licenses on my Main comp, server and laptop and not have to worry about internet or hardware.

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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, 

    We'll keep you up to date right here, and of course you will also be informed via newsletter as soon as we are entering the transition phase!

    @LAJ: "Lizenzdaten-Wildwuchs" is one of those german words that makes people afraid of our language πŸ˜Š.


    Was an email sent out about this announcement? I regularly get VSL emails but saw nothing about this. Found out when browsing another music forum.

  • Hi, 

    For now, we have announced these news only in our forum, but of course an update willl also follow via newsletter, when we have more information. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello, Paul,

    If I move my licenses to iLok cloud, does that mean that I will be able to sell and transfer my licenses without having to ship the physical key?




  • Hello Tunai, 

    Your licenses will be managed in your iLok account and you will be able to transfer your licenses without shipping a physical key, under our supervision. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Good to hear πŸ˜ƒ