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  • Thanks for your reply. I know that the SYNCHRON-ized libraries are based on the VI Series but what I meant is that I don't understand why you waste your time synchronizing libraries that already exist and that work with a great player (VI/VI Pro) instead of creating new libraries. And I say that with great respect for you because I think VSL has created amazing software and libraries over the years. But I really don't understand where the Synchron Series is going.



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    @daviddln said:

    ... But I really don't understand where the Synchron Series is going.

    Hi David,

    I understand what you mean. There is no question that the basic sound of the WW-Libs is superb, But where is the benefit for VI users? There are quite some Samples left behind. There is no Time Stretching available. And f.ex. one of the big attractions for the second clarinet were the effects which are not included now. It's a little confusing ...

    However ...

    Hi Martin, is it possible to check the benefit out via a Demo License? 24 hours are enough 😉 Thank you!

    (Hope you continue with the "real" SY-Series soon. Most important SY-BRASS)


  • I don't understand it, either. Because it was said that there were no plans in SYNCHRON-izing the bigger collections.

    BUT I really like the conistency: having nearly all legatos with a non vibrato and vibrato option is great. Also the overall re-editing sounds (I mean reads) good, because I don't like the Synchron Player.

    The only thing – again – is that the Synchon Player doesn't have the “Interval map” option. Please, VSL, do it, and this library is going to be an instant buy!

    Also, it would be great if the VI users could benefit from the re-edited samples, too. Like you did with Dimension Strings. I would pay for it!

  • Martin, are there new samples included compared to the VI packages to realize the legato vibrato variations, or are these just the different sustains with the same transitions?

  • The new library includes new transition samples the perfectly match the corresponding notes before and after the transitions. Our team worked intensely on creating perfect and authentically sounding transitions in all velocity layers, for all legatos, with non-vibrato and vibrato articulations, as well as regular and fast variants—all these match perfectly so it’s easier and quicker to create authentic legato phrases without the need to tweak these transitions manually.

    What's more, there are additional velocity layers for legatos and fast legatos.

    Regarding a trial: Feel free to purchase and try it out, you may return the product within 30 days if you don’t like it.

  • Hi Martin, There are no synchronized version of Alto flute, Clarinet in Eb, and ensemble versions from woodwinds 1, why? And what about Special woodwinds? Completely skipped, is it coming soon? Thank you.. appreciate a reply that helps me make a purchase decision.

  • Hi Martin, you are right with the 30 days rule ... I forgot it ... I will buy this Lib. tonight. Best, Lars

  • Oh ... what about Time stretching? Are there plans for the Synchronized products?

  • Think of SYNCRHON-ized Woodwinds as a streamlined product that reflects the instrumentation of late romanticism (Wagner et al.). Yes, it doesn’t offer some instruments and articulations that are available with VI Woodwinds, and that’s not an omission, that's the concept of this product. That’s one reason why it’s so easy to work with. Our specialized team is working on one instrument for about a month… do the math how long it takes to create such a product, and then think of the costs. We need to find a balance between what we can achieve at a reasonable price and what most of our users want. If you want more instruments and articulations and the flexibility of VI Woodwinds, you’re a specialist (highly valued by us!) whom we’re happy to continue to serve with our Vienna Instruments Pro player. On the other hand, a lot of customers are paying for a product that includes instruments and articulations they never use.

    Having said that, I’m certainly not going to rule out that there will never be any other woodwinds and articulations in the SYNCHRON-ized series. Right now, SYNCHRON-ized Woodwinds is a great solution in terms of instruments, articulations, what people are using, and how easy it is to work with this player and its pre-configured sound with lots of presets.

    And of course we’re further developing the Vienna Synchron Player to add more features over time.

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    @Martin said:

    Yes, it doesn’t offer some instruments and articulations that are available with VI Woodwinds, and that’s not an omission, that's the concept of this product. That’s one reason why it’s so easy to work with.

    I understand that. But why didn't you record woodwinds at the Synchron Stage like you did with Synchron Strings I ? I own the Woodwinds Complete Bundle from the VI Series and a new library recorded at the Synchron Stage with new samples would have been much more exciting for me than a SYNCHRON-ized library.



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    @daviddln said:

    I understand that. But why didn't you record woodwinds at the Synchron Stage like you did with Synchron Strings I

    I think they already did. Maybe it's not that easy with wet samples. Just guessing...

    The first time I watched the very first video of Synchron Percussion it was clear to me that all instruments had been recorded. At least, it sounded like that. And the seating graphic on the product page also showed the other instrument sections (and this graphic was the very first of the Synchron Series).

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    I have another question:
    Why do you have marcato longs, but not marcato legatos? The VI instruments do have these in the full libraries. Or, at least, a "fake" marcato attack as in the SYNCHRON-ized special editions.

    By the way, I just purchased it and like it so far. The non-vibrato/vibrato options are great. But I need my “Interval Map” as a controller option. 😛 

  • HOLD IT, Hold It, hold it....

    Time Out. 

    Of all the patches NOT to include... in a reprogrammed WINDS LIBRARY--

    You leave out the scale runs!?!?!? That's like... the best part of the classic VSL Winds Library! That's the hardest thing to program when it comes to winds. But that's what you guys had over everyone else! Whenever I visit with other film composers at their studios and we talk libraries, everyone says they keep VSL Winds around for the runs!  

    I'm not trying to dump on you guys here but... this company has been taking really odd steps with it's library side. The software is amazing though so I suppose you can afford to since everyone depends on VEP, but boy when those super cheese grater macs come out and people start debating if they want to run sample farms, you're going to have think long and hard about your libraries. Who is this stuff for!? I just don't get it clearly. 

  • Please, the Alto Flute is missing, this instrument is essential, please include this in the future update.

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    @Grodhisatva said:

    HOLD IT, Hold It, hold it....

    Time Out. 

    Of all the patches NOT to include... in a reprogrammed WINDS LIBRARY--

    You leave out the scale runs!?!?!? 

    Hi, I do not think that's too critical for all the WW-Solo-Istruments. There are good possibilities to "play" runs and trills (especially with the flute1 and all clarinets).
    Dynamic Scale-Runs are more difficult to "play" when it comes to Ensembles. Here I agree that the runs of the Orchestral Strings are just "Gold"!

  • Thank you very much for the new Woodwinds Library! I would like to vote a +1 for the Alto Flute please! I have it as a VI Instrument, but would love to see it join the new collection!

    Kind Regards,


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    @LAJ said:

    (Hope you continue with the "real" SY-Series soon. Most important SY-BRASS)



    Do not hope too much. It will probably be a SYNCHRON-ized Brass library. I wish they had stayed with the VI Series and the Silent Stage. It was perfect.




    I do not think so.

    If you are listening to the sound of the Big Bang Orchestra and to the Single Channels of it, what are you hearing?

    I hear the SY-Woodwinds which are pretty normal sounding. Not very good, not bad. Just Standard Woodwind- sound as we know it already from many Libraries.


    ... I hear BRASS which is rocking the house (especially the Deep Brass). It sounds crips, clear & even if you push it hard it sounds still noble. That's why I am so much more excited when it comes to SY-Brass.


    I do not think that SY-Brass will be a "best case" Library.
    ("best case" = a Setup like we see it in AudioBro's Modern Scoring Brass with all kind of measurable Instruments.)
    But on the other hand the Mix of a) Synchronized Dimension Brass and b) SY-Brass with all these MIcs could lead to an interesting result!

  • I hope you're right. It would be nice.



  • I'm loving the work done on SYzd Woodwinds.  Much more consistent velocity levels throughout.  I run it along side 

    corresponding VI libraries for the full compliment of articulations.  I'm happy.