The funniest thing happened a few minutes ago. I have 2 elicensers I use for 2 VEPs I was using for VEP5 on 2 difference Macs with each other. Anyway I downloaded VEP7 a few minutes ago and installed it, first time I've had time to download it and install it.
And whenever it started all my dongles, to include my iloks began to flash. I was like WT crap!!! Then I started the elicenser app, everything was fine. So I restarted the VEP7 app and I get some error saying only one elicenser was working or something like that. Now I open elicenser app and it shows one of the elicencer dongle is bad!!!! WT Crap VIENNA!!!
They worked fine until I started VEP7, seriously, they worked fine!! LOL wow...
I will reboot and see what happens, maybe its a burp or hiccup or a bug....never had issues with any dongle or elicenser before today...
EDIT: WHOOOOOO Rebooting my Mac fixed the issue...WOW.....