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  • CC Ranges to Select Slot

    In for example, Synchron Strings / All Strings / Articulation: Long Notes / Type: Soft

    it uses Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between regular, lyrical, and no vibrato, & more XF otptions.

    But the manual does not say what range of valuues the CC must have to select which option, it just says:

    >>  Soft, Normal
    >> Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between regular, lyrical, and no vibrato, as well as regular/no vibrato and
    lyrical/no vibrato crossfading options.

    I need to know what value does what, so that I can setup automation to select each one as required.

    I assume it does not XF across them?

    I could try to find out what values produce each result by trying differnt values and seeing what happens; but that will take some time for all the various presets.

    Please could you document this for me.


  • Hello Roger!

    In the Vibrato dimensions the slots are not crossfaded, in the XF vibrato dimensions they are crossfaded. This is indicated by the parallel mode button. If it is blue, crossfade is enabled.

    I looked up the exact ranges for you:
    Lyrical vibrato: 0-16
    Regular vibrato: 17-47
    No vibrato: 48-79
    XF vib regular: 80-110
    XF vib lyrical: 111-127

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks Andi,

    I guessed it might be something like that.

    So in all the lots of other presets where there might be a different nuumber of slots from which to select; can I assume the ranges will be spread in a similar fashion?

  • Yes. :-)


    Vienna Symphonic Library