In for example, Synchron Strings / All Strings / Articulation: Long Notes / Type: Soft
it uses Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between regular, lyrical, and no vibrato, & more XF otptions.
But the manual does not say what range of valuues the CC must have to select which option, it just says:
>> Soft, Normal
>> Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between regular, lyrical, and no vibrato, as well as regular/no vibrato and
lyrical/no vibrato crossfading options.
I need to know what value does what, so that I can setup automation to select each one as required.
I assume it does not XF across them?
I could try to find out what values produce each result by trying differnt values and seeing what happens; but that will take some time for all the various presets.
Please could you document this for me.