Dynamic Range per note:...When thinking about it, we should probably make that behaviour more clear in a future update.
Yeah, I would agree. It's not very intuitive the way it's currently setup.
The biggest problem I'm having with the Steinway is that the midi sensitivity is way too high at "0." It's like I'm banging on the keys when playing normal. It's too harsh for my ears. However, when I bring the midi sensitivity down to something that is tolerable "-25," then I lose the dynamic range of the piano when I do want to play loud and it ends up being neutered. The CFX doesn't have this problem. The midi sensitivity with that is fine for soft, normal, and loud paying.
Is there anyway to change the midi sensitivity on the Steinway so it's more like the CFX with the next Synchron Piano update? Thanks for the help.
God Bless,
F308, D-274, 280VC, Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial, Vienna Imperial