the synchronized series miss many articulations of the original VI-counterpart (and this one looks like a sad trend in the Synchron Series).
You know, that:
- Many Articulations provided as tons seperate Articulations in the VI-Series are already integrated in the main patches, like "repetetitions" or "Harsh" etc.
- Synchron Strings "I" is just a Volume "I" to get the full set, we still have to be patient (good things need their time)
- You can already now achieve many charateristics of VI-patchtypes currently not part of the Synchron Strings I with use of the Manipulating-Options of the Synchron player
- Filter for Sordini - as the only way many competitors are providing Sordini,
- different Attack values for smoother or more aggresive character,
- Editing Velocity-Xfade+ Expression via CC to get the natural tone development of longer stringnotes
As I said I do respect your Opinion and do not intend to convince you to anything, but those are the aspects, which seem to me a bit different, from how you described it as I understood it.