@kid-surf said:
The problem is: I get a click sound when I do a slide on the Viola patch in ---->
Sliding from "G#1" to "G2" gives me a click.. it doesn't happen on any other notes only those two and only in that direction "up to G2" (not down).
On the slide it "clicks" (sounds like what a mismatched sample rate sounds like, or if someone clicked their instrument).... I'm pretty sure it's in the sample (WAV) "between" the notes. What can I do? It doesn't do it if I don't slide, and it doesn't do it whit any other notes (that I've noticed). Is this in the sample from the factory, so to speak?
How can I edit this? GIGA is a PITA to try and figure out how to edit..... I don't even know where that "goining sample" is?
BTW I'm on 2.5
Simply can someone please tell me "how" to get to that sample in Giga 2.5.... (I'm basically a Mac guy and have no clue what I'm doing with PC's)
Not to mention in need to fix this ASAP!!!
I don't hear anything on G#3 to G4 (however, I have Pro edition). Fistly post an mp3 (no reverb) of the click so that we can hear what you are hearing. Secondly I seem to remember that some of the early releases of the DVDs contained problems with clicking on some samples. Check what date your DVD was created, then a search might uncover this topic (I will meanwhile try to post a link to it).