@mvanbebber said:
Either you just don't get it, or you do understand and are pretending you don't. Herb has admitted the problem, but you have denied it. It appears that this problem will never be corrected, so I therefore bought a product that was misreprested by VSL. As it stands now I will not ever purchase a VSL product again. I rest my case about the soprano sax forte performance legato, and you will not hear from me again on this issue. (or see my money again, for that matter.)
If I may be so bold, your tone, Mvanbebber is atrocious. Every single post. Just because you are hiding behind your computer is no excuse to have such bad manners. And thread hijacking is not cool either. This should-if anything-be a private email conversation. It's like you are 15 and are threatening to "go public" with a claim just because you love to see yourself in print.