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  • Re-install Yamaha CFX


    Had to reinstall Win10 last night and for some reason I can't seem to install the CFX without having to download all the samples again.  I already directed the Download Manager to the folder where those samples are located.

    Any suggestions?


  • Hello jmatos, 

    The database management of the Yamaha CFX is from within the plug-in settings. 

    I have attached a screenshot for you. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul.

    I'm not seeing the CFX Plug-in anywhere in Vienna Ensemble (Not Pro).  I opened up a project where I was using the piano before having to reinstall the OS and everything else is there minus the plugin.

    Any suggestions?


  • Hi Paul,

    Tried reinstallinge everything and I can't make Synchron Piano show up on Vienna Ensemble without having to download the samples again.  Any suggestion?


  • Hi Paul,

    Deleted the samples, uninstalled everything and went through the whole process to try to install the Piano again.  Re-donwloaded all the samples and installed them. 

    For whatever reason I cant seem to get Syncron to appear on Vienna Ensemble.  I used the latest installers in the website and followed the directions.  It's weird cause I was able to install it a few weeks ago, but now seem to be doing something wrong, I guess.  Any suggestion? 

    Thanks again

  • Hi jmatos, 

    My first step would be to uninstall VE and Synchron Player, restart and install latest versions again. 

    Let me know how that goes!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Done, but still no luck having the plug-in appear on VE.  I re-downloaded the library and auto-installed through the download manager.  When I open the Syncron Library Installer it asks for a file that I can't seem to find.  I found it once when I installed it last week, but not anymore.

  • Same problem here, I'm moving VSL libraries to a new pc and reinstalled all software. The only plugin that doesn't show up is Synchron Pianos, both in VEP and Studio One 4...

    In the logs I see that it is correctly found and scanned but nothing.

    I did not dowloaded again the samples; VSL software and eLicenser are latest version.

  • Now VEP sees the plugin in the list, but can not load the plugin and crashes.

    No way to make it work with Studio One...

    My doubt, may be a redistributable missing?


    (BTW, yes, I've sent a support request...)


  • Hi al_lupo77,

    did you make any progress with this issue? I'm getting the same thing (with variations depending on the SY piano version).

  • No, I sent a support request and they are working on it. I just tried with newest eLicenser software (, but no luck.


    BTW, I get a very sloooow page loading in this thread (only this). It's only me?

  • That's a shame.  I uninstalled then re-installed everything and still can't get it to appear. 

    Is anyone from VSL reading these posts?  Bought an instrument that I can't use.  Is there any possibility of getting a refund?

  • The issue has to do with Vienna Synchron.ini. For me it had an incorrect value for "lastInstallDir", which I manually changed to point to the samples installation dir. I also added a "volume scan path" as was suggested by Paul, which was not there at first for whatever reason (I had SY Piano working at some point).After this addition, the value of "volumeScanPaths" changed from "[]" to [{"path":"H:\\samples\\vsl\\Synchron Pianos Yamaha","preCacheSampleCount":-1}] (the path is machine-specific, of course). I have no idea why, but after this SY Piano works in both Cubase and in VE/VE Pro.

    I have to mention that this could be actually a different issue, not the one that started this thread.

    At any rate, this .ini file is unaffected by reinstall attempts, that's why the whole ruckus.

  • I'm still stuck, tried also on another PC but nothing...

    Could you please post the "Vienna Synchron.ini" complete file?




  • Hi, 

    Sorry for the delay. Something seems to be tricky with this thread, I can only open it at the 10th attempt...

    In such situations, please contact us directly at


    In general: The "Vienna Synchron.ini" file can be found in YOUR_USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/VSL

    You can always erase that file, it will be newly created with every start of a Synchron Plug-in and also contains the information about the Library Scan Paths. 

    AppData is a hidden folder. If you don't see it right away, search for "hidden", the first hit will be "Show Hidden files and folders" => Select and activate the option "Show hidden, files, folders, and drives".

    If erasing the *.ini file does not work, please contact us!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • If someone is trying to reinstall, I finally found a way:


    - Uninstall Synchron Pianos software

    - Delete "%AppData%/VSL/Vienna Synchron.ini"

    - Redownload and reinstall full library (!!!!)

    - Reinstall Synchron Pianos (latest version).


    The third step is what I tried to skip every time, but it is the relevant one...

  • Hi, 

    Thanks. Library Installation shouldn't be necessary at all, it is "only" data....

    May I ask: Did you change the installation location for your sample content?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • No, I physically moved the SSD to another PC and reassigned tha same drive letter...

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for the info. Still confusing... 

    I'll see if something similar pops up the next weeks. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I had a similar situation Synchron player would not open in VEP. I went to preferences in VEP, “rescanned all” and the player appeared with the library. I hope this works. Thank you