Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @daviddln said:

    Well, that's not true. First, we didn't pay anything for the Synchron Player. And second, Synchron Strings I are complete and work perfectly within VI/VI Pro.
    Sigh, where could you possibly have gotten this utterly silly idea? 

    These are just facts.

    Uhm, nope, Synchron Player is an essential part of Synchron Strings I. Delivery of the player was promised at introduction. Claims to the contrary are sheer lunacy.

    I didn't say that the Synchron Player wasn't promised. I just said that we didn't pay anything for it and that Synchron Strings I were complete. And we can use them with VI/VI Pro while waiting for the new player. Guy Bacos composed nine demos for SyS with VI Pro so it's perfectly feasible. 

  • Calm down everybody the Synchronplayer is already released and everybody who owns FX Strings does already work with. And Synchronstrings are completly released and usable with VI, and I am sure the time left to wait for the Synchronstring-Version in Synchron-Playerformat is not that long that it realy would need any discussion about.

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    @fahl5 said:

    sorry kids, your are simply impatient.

    We are used to get solid products from VSL, thanks god, they have obviously a priority to keep it like that.

    Yeah, obviously, waiting for something for over a half a year is a sign of incredible inpatience.

    Why don't you start acting your age by refraining from trolling forums like kids do.

  • Guys, please. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @fahl5 said:

    sorry kids, your are simply impatient.

    We are used to get solid products from VSL, thanks god, they have obviously a priority to keep it like that.

    Yeah, obviously, waiting for something for over a half a year is a sign of incredible inpatience.

    Why don't you start acting your age by refraining from trolling forums like kids do.

    Sorry Jimmy, I didn't intended anything obnoxious about anyoone here at all, just tried to calm down a bit a discussion which does not seemed to me tremendously efficient. Still I am sure it would not take long and we all are happy worrking with Synchron Strings in the Synchron-Player format and cant stop than posting impatient postings for the next Synchron-Series Releases 😉

    BTW I am very good in being impatient to I already asked for a Player with Articulation-Dimensions like the Synchronplayer 5 Years ago so what is half a year compared with 5 Years???😛

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    @fahl5 said:

    Sorry Jimmy, I didn't intended anything obnoxious about anyoone here at all, just tried to calm down a bit a discussion which does not seemed to me tremendously efficient.

    Sorry for overreacting, fahl5.

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    All right, I think I owe everybody an apology here as I believe my caustic post was what started all of this😳 


    If what you're saying is correct then, yes, seven months seems like a long time to wait for something you already paid for.

    But I'm quite sure I never paid for a player.  Maybe others have?

    Again, my apologies to anybody I may have offended or otherwise rubbed the wrong way in this thread.

  • Count down started yesterday with „7“ days (max.) Here we go ... SIX!

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    @Paul said:

    Guys, please. Contenance. Thanks,Paul
    Indeed. You said elsewhere that this is very emotional, and it is. I don’t think it’s about money, but hope and expectation - and there’s something about being this close to the release that’s brining the emotions to boiling point. I wrote a few pretty rude posts saying I wanted a refund and then changed my mind. I’m going to enjoy the release of the Player, do the very best I can with it, and then decide how I’ll use Synchron, if at all. But I’ve realised that it’s more fun to just enjoy the release, experiment and see what can be done than to get obsessed with the lengthy and somewhat unorthodox release strategy. Feeling excited and expectant about all the experiments I can try with the Player is more fun than getting upset about it all.

  • By the way, I've been using SY Strings 1 together with some other VST plugins on my laptop (which means only 16 Gb RAM) . Not an easy task when scoring for a full string ensemble but I'm really pleased by the results.

    For those working with Cubase, I have done expression maps you can download in this thread to bring some more patience :


  • "I'm beginning to understand you William more and more everyday I visit the forum and as I consider myself to be a mild mannered person that's a bit frightening. - jasensmith

    Thanks a lot for the compliment.  I appreciate it, and I'll be sure and give you one some time...  

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    @William said:

    The people on this Forum sicken me. They are disgusting.  This is the new normal - rudeness, hostility, hypocrisy and ignorance everywhere.  


    Yeah, I was part of that. 24 years on the internet without descending into this entitled hostility. But I did, feel bad, said sorry on a few pages here. Now I just can't wait to play with the Player. We all have bad days, but it's no excuse and I loathe that it's becoming the new normal. You expect it in many forusm, but here? We need more dignity. Again, my apologies for ranting about Synchron I. It came at the end of a difficult project. It's all too easy to be a vile person online. I hope not to do it again, and all I feel now is excitement that we'll be playing Synchron Strings I in the Player very soon. And then we can have civilized discussions about how to get the best out of it.

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    @William said:

    The people on this Forum sicken me. They are disgusting.  This is the new normal - rudeness, hostility, hypocrisy and ignorance everywhere.  

    The irony is spectacular.

  • On a lighter note, I think Guy Bacos is just about finished with the demos for that chimp banging on a whoppy cushion with a banana library. It's about time. Come on VSL!!! Quit dragging your feet on that library damn it!!!

  • I was wrong to put it that way.  Certainly not all the people here are sickening.  I should probably be just bellowing and ranting verbally with composers because then I correct myself immediately without committing everything permanently to the written word.  

  • hi! Paul. Would you like us to celebrate the children's day? Synchronous string 1 and synchronized percussion when exactly can see?

  • Hi guys, 

    Your enthusiasm and anticipation is very much appreciated!

    We will let you know when we are ready, checking all systems as we speak.

    It will be in the next days. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi guys, 

    Your enthusiasm and anticipation is very much appreciated!

    We will let you know when we are ready, checking all systems as we speak.

    It will be in the next days. 


    Well... again the expected week is over and no delivery... I'm not in the number of the people pressing for the release, but I'm more worried about the reason of the delay... it's definitely obvious that several things went wrong during development and testing, and the time for an official release is longer than expected/announced, again, and again.

    I just hope that the issues preventing VSL team from delivering the product won't impact on the final quality of the product, that should really be frustrating: I prefer getting it later but 100% in line with promised performance and quality, and the sequence of events is not encouraging (including the missing delivery of MIRx sets and MIR Pro Synchron Stage MIRx instrument profiles, as announced in the forum by developer due to troubleshooting in VEPro...).

    I know very well, it often happens in companies with big overlapping projects all managed by the same little team, no human is (yet) able of miracles... I'm not asking for it... just don't overdo, and keep expected quality please.

  • Hello everybody!

    We are really really really close and tried very hard to get this update out this week.
    There is one last bug that has crept in last-minute, which blocks the release. 

    Thanks for your patience. I am convinced that you will be pleased with the results, and we will keep on pushing!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    New Download Manager just appeared!

    RED ALERT!  🍺
