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  • Where's the Player?

    Did I miss something? I see that the player is advertised as coming along with the FX library.  I've looked everywhere for where I can download it for the Synchron Strings I purchased... oh yeah, last year...

    Can someone tell me where I can find it?  Or is it still MIA?

  • Hi Tensitivity, 

    The new player needs a new format for the sample content. 

    We are testing and preparing this sample content for Synchron Strings I as we speak, and the download will be available soon. Of course you will be notified as soon as it is available. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Must we redounload the samples

  • Hi kohlhtor, 

    I'm afraid I don't understand your question.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi kohlhtor, 

    I'm afraid I don't understand your question.


    I dounload SYNCHRON STRINGS I Standard Library

    must i redounload with the new player you say


    The new player needs a new format for the sample content. 

    We are testing and preparing this sample content for Synchron Strings I as we speak, and the download will be available soon. Of course you will be notified as soon as it is available.

    Thanks Thorsten

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    @kohlhtor said:

    must i redounload with the new player you say


    You would indeed need to redownload the new sample content yes. But the new content is not yet available, as Paul wrote. 

  • Hi Paul, that‘s interesting. Does the new format contain somekind of data compression to lower the content size? (Macht es z.B. aus 50 GB nur 25 GB ?) Best, Lars

  • Hi Lars, 

    It's really "only" a different format, like the format used in the Synchron Pianos and Synchron FX Strings I. 

    We have been experimenting with various data compression formats that could potentially lower the data size even more, but did not find a better solution. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi Lars, It's really "only" a different format, like the format used in the Synchron Pianos and Synchron FX Strings I. We have been experimenting with various data compression formats that could potentially lower the data size even more, but did not find a better solution. Best,Paul
    Good to know, thanks.

  • I've been curious about this new MQA audio format and how such a thing could be emplemented in the sample world. But then there is always licensing issues to complicate thing I guess. But the future is bright in the tech world :)

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    @Betuel said:

    I've been curious about this new MQA audio format and how such a thing could be emplemented in the sample world. But then there is always licensing issues to complicate thing I guess. But the future is bright in the tech world 😊

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    @kohlhtor said:

    must i redounload with the new player you say


    You would indeed need to redownload the new sample content yes. But the new content is not yet available, as Paul wrote. 


    Hello there.



    I'm pretty confused by all this. I bought SY-Strings I Standard Library in anticipation of the SY player being the engine I would employ to use the library, and now it appears that the Synchron Strings Library was released in an incorrect format, for the (same named) Synchron Player?


    Do I have this correctly? Sorry if I'm being a bit slow here..... Seems a bit weird to me....




  • I thought one would obtain the new Synchron Player like VI/VE  and then use it with the samples.  But somehow that is not true? 

    Where is it?  Perhaps because I downloaded the previous version of the Synchron strings it does not appear as separate software or what? I am also confused on this.  

  • Hi, 

    Sorry if this is confusing. 

    1) The Synchron Player is ready., 

    2) The new sample content of Synchron Strings I that is needed to work with Synchron Player is currently being prepared. 

    3) As soon as the download is available => the Synchron Player will also be available (and usable) for all Synchron Strings users.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I fully understand, that the main focus is to release Syncron Player as a stable product. But I am a bit annoyed that VSL released two new products, based on Synchron Player, instead of delivering the long promised Synchron Player for the Synchron Strings I.

    I mean I love the CFX, but we are waiting so long.... :(

    Regards Joe

  • Hi Digi_Joe, 

    I understand. 

    The polyphony handling for the Yamaha CFX brought a great performance boost for the Synchron engine, and there were huge benefits from fine-tuning FX Strings I. 

    I am testing Synchron Strings I as we speak, and if no show-stopper shows up, we will have great news for you next week. 

    Thanks again for your patience!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul for that update!

  • Hi contemporars..


    I hope i understand it right..

    Synchron strings I =  are not available yet for the Synchron player yet bcs of compression issues

    Synchron Strings FX = are available for the synchron player.

    I just download the FX strings but i cant bring them on the Browser of the Synchron Player..

    I read the manual carefully and followed it step by step but no samples appear in the Browser.

    Anyone face the same issues ??

  • Hi synthogen, 

    Did you check that you have installed the latest elicenser Control Center as well?

    Also, did you actually install the sample content (click INSTALL in the Download Manager to extract the sample content from the download files)? => You should see *.vsynvolume files. 

    If that doesn't do it, please contact us directly:


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Thanks again for your patience!

    You should say : "thanks again, dear silly cash providers, to be treated with disrespect since six months"

    Releasing 2 new products with Synchron player (CFX and SFX Strings) before releasing the Synchron Player for the Strings I or Percussion I is just insulting.

    Personally my trust in VSL is totally broken : I will even not try the Synchron Player if it releases finally one day, and I'm selling all my Synchron products.