I would rather get the Woodwinds 1 Collection Standard Library (and if your budget allows this Woodwinds 2 as well) since these include the unreduced versions of the included instruments with up to 6 velocity layers (compared to 3 in the SE, which makes for me a big difference), chromatic sampling (compared to whole-tone in the SE) and more alternations (up to 4 instead of up to 2 in the SE). Unfortunately the VSL website does not really explain these differences …
Unfortunately it is not so, maybe once, but now in the Woodwinds 1 Collection Standard Library, although there are more articulations of SE, the main (detached, sustain, legato and more) are exactly the same.
Even if I do not need the three-player ensembles, I bought Woodwinds 1 Collection Standard Library, taking advantage of the current offer, hoping to have a not reduced version of the main articulations in the single instruments, instead I have the duplicate of the SE, certainly more articulations, but in the main layers themselves ...
I'm quite disappointed because with a better description of the product I would not have made this purchase