Hi Fahl,
I don't think I get your point.
With Full version the math would be even better
I don't know how big full is so I am guessing here a little
For one Instrument (Violin 1) You have 8 MIC Positions á 15 GB --> 120 GB
You either store these 120 GB on an expensive SSD, or - What my recommendation would be - Store these 120 GB on an inexpensive Storage and only use your "Mix Down Position" (15 GB) on the Fast Storage.
Multiplying this by 5 (Assuming all instruments with full legato patches have comparable storage requirements) would mean
120 GBx5 =
600 GB SDD or 600 GB Slow Disk + 75 GB SDD
So there is a HUGE financial benefit there, by still having full flexibility (On the cost of preparation work, moving samples, ...) - with secondary effects of requiring less Memory and CPU.
And you could even make it better by removing the now obsolete Mix-Down Position , which would bring you down to 525 GB Slow Disk and 75GB SDD (enven though I am not shure if I want to go this way ...)