Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    I've never been more excited about a library. Never.


    For years I only ever used VSL. Now I do use others, but VSL is always my favorite. BUT... the only reason I ever used anyone else was softer staccato attacks, more RR's for some articulations, and brilliant rooms. You guys didn't just take user feedback seriously, you took it to a whole freaking new level. Am I surprized? No. Am I freaking out with giddishly awesome joy? Possibly. It's so... beautiful. 😢🎉😃


    Can't wait to hear the demos!



  • Can someone explain what this means from the product info page: "We’ve developed a new sampling process wherein all performances are recorded and edited at 'fixed gain'"?

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    @nektarios said:

    Can someone explain what this means from the product info page: "We’ve developed a new sampling process wherein all performances are recorded and edited at 'fixed gain'"?

    I am assuming it means that the natural dynamic levels of each layer are captured in relation to each other so that the correct dynamic range of the instrument is preserved, also preserving the natural balance with the other instruments.  If that is the case and will extend to future brass and woodwind that would be very welcome. 

    Achieving accurate balance between dynamic layers and different instruments that are all recorded at essentially the same volume is both tricky and frustrating despite the tools available - and when it comes to dynamic layer balancing almost impossible to do in any meaningful way with the current software.

    I also notice there is no mention of performance trills (I'm guessing the half and whole trills listed are the traditional sampled type) - is this because they are simply included as the fastest layer of performance legato?  Considering the number of repetitions that are now available this would make sense - and would be very convenient.

  • Wow, that is awesome! 

  • I have already bought it






    SYNCHRON STRINGS I include all these instruments?




    The sections of 1st violins (14), 2nd violins (10), violas (8), cellos (8), and double basses (6)

  • Actually, I do use other libraries such as Berlin Strings and only reason I ever used anyone else was too much better legato script, short note attacks and huge detail sampled short/long articulations, etc. You didn't just take user feedback seriously.

    Have you made decision yet on any usefull articulations as bellow ?

    Legato Slurred, Expressive
    Legato Agile
    Legato Fingered
    Ostinato Arpeggio Legato slow/fast

    Spiccato Exposed
    Staccato Bold
    Martele FFF
    Portato Short
    Portato Long
    Repetitions slow/fast
    Blurred Spiccato
    Blurred Staccato
    Blurred Portato

    Flageolet Sustain
    Sustain Soft
    Sustain Immediate
    Sustain Accented
    Sustain Expressive Dyn (Short expr.)
    Sustain Expressive Dyn (Long expr.)

    Sul Ponticello Leg
    Sul Ponticello Tremolo
    Sul Ponticello Tremolo Accented
    Sul Ponticello Staccato
    Sul Ponticello Sustain
    Sul Tasto Legato
    Sul Tasto Portato Short
    Sul Tasto Portato Long
    Sul Tasto Sustain Immediate
    Sul Tasto Sustain Soft
    Sul Tasto Tremolo

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    Hm, you know the Berlin Strings than so you will know that their 

    • section size is something between an a bit to small symphonic or a bit to large chamber ensemble
    • it comes without any real recorded con sordino samples at all.
    • and it has not more mic-posittions then the standard version of the SyStr. and
    • ithas just half of the amount of velocitylayers ( not to talk abot the large amount of Variants recorded for each articulationtype in SyStr.)

    The Berlin Strings Articulationlist seems to be impressive on the first glance, but as far as I understood VSL SyStr. is nothing more than a Volme 1.

    I am pretty sure that a Volume II will include not only an original sordino articulationset as we know it from VSL (I expect also the Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Harmonics articulations we have got for all previous VSL stringlibraries).

    But yes the different legatotypes seem to be not that different if you compare just the names. But again when it comes to recorded Variants and Vel.Layers the SyStr seem to provide that much more real recorded details of the stringsound that scripting must not so much alter synthetically the recorded Stringsound as it seem to me pretty audible the case for the Berlin Strings

    However Lets wait what the audible reality of SyStr will be, since technical details and features are one side. Viennese Strings another 😉

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    @Tensivity said:

    • What's in the standard versus the full library?  Am I really going to shell out another 350 clams for it without knowing what the contents are?  

    From the product description

    "The Standard Library and Full Library of Synchron Strings I both include the same articulations. The difference lies in the number of provided microphone positions"

  • Yes I agree. VSL is the best to work with. I own many libraries and I am short before, buying Synchron Strings. But please VSL Crew give us some more examples to hear!!! And one more question, is the new player included? Best regards Kalle Koerner

  • My initial impression was that this would be a great library to have, but I'm happy with Dimension Strings etc. However, with 8 dynamic layers this could be something really different. I feel this could be one of those libraries that fills a need that I didn't know I had, and that is exciting. The player seems like it could be a great timeseaver as well for quick mockups.

  • Any first reactions to Synchron Strings I? 

    I have a lot of other VSL libraries along with MIR and the Synchron stage pack so I'm a little leary of jumping in without having more information about what this will do that what I already have won't. The new Synchron player appears to be a key element and we don't know when that will be available. 

    Snything that simpliefies the process and makes it more intuitive is great but sure would be nice to hear what you think.


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    @Another User said:

    ... a presumed "scientific volume" of an instrument on a stage. So many variables with fuzzy definitions: Which instrument? Who's the player? What notes were played? ... And: Who has been listening?

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    @Another User said:

    ... a presumed "scientific volume" of an instrument on a stage. So many variables with fuzzy definitions: Which instrument? Who's the player? What notes were played? ... And: Who has been listening?


    I had discussion before some years ago, I don't remember if it was on this forum or another one and I do remember that was the position VSL took - however I hope that has changed.  New experience and technological advancement over time bring new possibilities.  If they didn't then why make a new library of instruments already covered?   😊

    In general dynamic relations can have many variables - but the variables in this case are pretty cleanly defined, and from where I'm watching it seems to be by design.  The instruments are being recorded in position in the same hall - based on the diagrams it seems the plan is very much to fill out the whole orchestra with their seating intact in relation to each other.  The array of microphones will be in the same position for all, and I would assume they will be the very same microphones each time.  Based on this setup the relations in dynamics between layers and between different instruments (including the effect relative distance plays) is very much measureable, and I would say extremely relevant.

    In the end it begs the question - if this is not what they are doing, then what on earth does the "fixed gain" mean?  Just to have uniform volume within individual dynamic layers?  That's not terribly exciting.. because VSL has done a good job of that since the very first library.. it hardly seems like something to advertise as a new feature..

    It is certainly my hope this is what they are doing - I respectfully disagree that natural dynamic levels and correct dynamic range cannot be provided by sample libraries - yes, decisions have to be made, you obviously cannot cover every possibility of live interaction.  But then again these libraries are a snapshot of the Synchron players, in the Synchron hall, using the Synchron recording chain - so why not?  That correct dynamic relationships are perceiveable is hard to dispute - because it is so painfully obvious in its absence.  😉

  • Hi Paul, will you at some point announce an exact date when the early bird offer ends, so it won't just suddenly disappear?

  • Hi Sami, 

    As usual, there will be a reminder about the Early Bird offer, right before the actual release of Synchron Strings I. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello,

    Can we have more demo with only strings sounds before  Early Bird offer ends ?

    Thank You

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    Hi to the forum,

    When we buy the library, I'm guessing that even though the violas and DBasses are not ready yet, we still get them as part of the price, and still download them when ready? [ - like when Dimension Strings was released, they waited for the Cellos etc, but they were still included in the original price]. Sorry if this sounds a kind of stupid question everyone!



    Steve 😊

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    Hi Steve,

    We're working with high pressure on all string sections here in Vienna.

    Yes, Synchron Strings I contains all the string sections listed on the product page: 1st violins (14), 2nd violins (10), violas (8), cellos (8) and double basses (6).


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi Steve, 

    We're working with high pressure on all string sections here in Vienna.

    Yes, Synchron Strings I contains all the string sections listed on the product page: 1st violins (14), 2nd violins (10), violas (8), cellos (8) and double basses (6). 



    Thank you Paul,


    that's great. I just wanted to be sure.




    Steve 😊

  • I must say it has been a 'while' since I have purchased a NEW VSL library (and I was one of the very first early adopters years back) - BUT this has caught my attention.  Both in what I am 'hearing' (samples) and the prospects of a more straightforward player to get what's in our heads to our clients - faster.   Of course not enough vid content currently to make an informed decision at this point.   Looking forward to your upcoming vid releases on this Paul.