Can someone explain what this means from the product info page: "We’ve developed a new sampling process wherein all performances are recorded and edited at 'fixed gain'"?
I am assuming it means that the natural dynamic levels of each layer are captured in relation to each other so that the correct dynamic range of the instrument is preserved, also preserving the natural balance with the other instruments. If that is the case and will extend to future brass and woodwind that would be very welcome.
Achieving accurate balance between dynamic layers and different instruments that are all recorded at essentially the same volume is both tricky and frustrating despite the tools available - and when it comes to dynamic layer balancing almost impossible to do in any meaningful way with the current software.
I also notice there is no mention of performance trills (I'm guessing the half and whole trills listed are the traditional sampled type) - is this because they are simply included as the fastest layer of performance legato? Considering the number of repetitions that are now available this would make sense - and would be very convenient.