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    Hello Yilalatavsl,

    good that you take care of the (very) secret list! Please Update a "some new voices-product" for 01th of Sept. 2018

    Psssssssst ... do it quiet and inconspicicuous ...


    L??s (aka L?J)

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    I simply HAD to make a Sneak Peek Video when I had the complete Synchron Cellos in my hands... Hope you like it!

    Our newsletter will be on its way to you soon, with more details about the upcoming release! And of course there will be more videos as well.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL

    Thank you Paul for the walkthrough !

    The quailty is Stellar !

  • I'm very glad to

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    A Wurli and a Korg Vocoder?! Oh Paul, what have you done in the 80ties 😛

    Cresc + Dim Velocity (Duration) Crossfade sounds interesting.

    It seems in general that VSL have done now several things for the user, what he theoretically already has been able to before, while it was for many users presumably more tedious to programm the presets in that way than just to make use of the VSL-Presets or load only those patches which are acttually needed. However the organizing Ideas behind still seem to me always musical reasonable. (Even the "changing bowposition"-X-Fade while to be consequent this would need sulponticello patches to - BTW would it be possible to crossfade more than two patches?)

    Still I am pretty curious for the Synchron-Player.

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    @Paul said:


    I simply HAD to make a Sneak Peek Video when I had the complete Synchron Cellos in my hands... Hope you like it!

    Our newsletter will be on its way to you soon, with more details about the upcoming release! And of course there will be more videos as well.  




    Very well done. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    I think so that replacment of portamento with slurred legato is not a good idea. Although most legato technique is required for slurred performance, but no body will be satisfied with slurred legato without any portamento technique..!

    Aftermore, I think that at this point a few articulations are missing such as espressivo legato, staccato, marcato and spiccato exposed as well as sul-pont. and sul-tasto..!!!



  • Easily the best legato I've ever heard from a string sample library. 

  • Hi Paul, this is BIG Cinema (you Techno-Freak! ... an Access Virus ... yeahhhhhh!!!) Synchron Strings 1 are a BIG Product! I agree with HSM1 about Porta VS. Slurred. Portamento sounds more emotional and intense. But adding the intense Portamento of other Libs like Appassionata or DimStrings will be the way to solve it. Thank you. Are you in your home or at Synchron (Back)Stage?

  • Thank you for the update Paul. Looking forward to the release, the celli sound very good in the walkthrough video.

  • Hi VSL,

    Why you do such low musical quality demo audio and video files for Sy Strings? Regular users will buy this library anyway, without thanking, but contrary to this video file with, for example,  no-musical using of vibrato (or audio file "enter the dream" with strange no-legato theme), because all loves VSL and trust this company. But new potential users can be scared by such demos, even if the library is great..

    Best regards,

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    @V_ad_im said:

    Hi VSL,

    Why you do such low musical quality demo audio and video files for Sy Strings? Regular users will buy this library anyway, without thanking, but contrary to this video file with, for example,  no-musical using of vibrato (or audio file "enter the dream" with strange no-legato theme), because all loves VSL and trust this company. But new potential users can be scared by such demos, even if the library is great..

    Best regards,

    What's wrong with the video ? The sounds are amazing. And Christof Unterberger's demo is beautiful.

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    @daviddln said:

    And Christof Unterberger's demo is beautiful.

    The music of this demo is excelent! It is very good music! but in strings library demo context, the cellos solo performed such, that I (and not only I) start to think, that Sy Strings have no legato, or have a bad legato..

  • Indeed the audio demo "Enter the dream" is beautiful, but at 0'35 for example :

    - If it's legato, then it's totally failed : either samples are bad, either programming is bad. The result is a doubt : is the new legato THIS ?

    - If it's not legato, it's a little bit strange musically (personnally here I expect legato, but it's a matter of taste) and above all it's a lost opportunity to demonstrate the new legato so much advertised.


    So I understand V_ad_im on this point.

    And even if the video on cellos is very welcome (thanks Paul !!), the limited musical context doesn't do a bulletproof demo.


    This Video shows a liveplay-situation, without sugar and other sweetening ... just like in reality. Paul made it very well. And he played well on the Virus :)

    The sound is great. Very powerful, The harsh articulations are so strong! The soft sul tasto is a surprise for most of us!


    The reason why VSL can't present something else is simply that the whole product is not ready.

  • I would agree with this.  Not 'loving' the legatos but the longs (and to a lessor degree the shorts) are to die for.  For me, I am still holding out for the new player details.   This library is a beast in size and will need a 'next gen' player to use effectively on a day to day - no time schedules -  we all see.   Very encouraged by this 'raw' walk-thru.

  • Maybe my programming wasn't good enough.

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    @LAJ said:

    The reason why VSL can't present something else is simply that the whole product is not ready.

    Of course this is the main reason. You could not show the full potential without the Synchron Player running and all sections ready. We are just to curious what let VSL publish their Demo-exsamples perhaps still a bit to early (we have a german proverb like that: better a bird (=later published mature Library) in my hand than a bird on my roof (=to early presented demos+Videos  online) 😛

    However I wonder why Paul has the Releasetime as low as 63. Increase it on 70-72 and Vadim will be satisfied with the Legato no matter if it would be live or a demo. (It was nearly always the release time setting of the user, if ever anything seemed to be "wrong" with VSL-Samples 😉).

    I am happy that VSL does not publish any Library to early, we all know that Synchron Series pushes the limit again much forward, so give them the time to make it as good as possible (and dont mess around with demos and Videos which currently scarcly are able to represent the whole product.)

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    @christof said:

    Maybe my programming wasn't good enough.
    Hello Christof, Your song is a great composition. Beautiful 😊

  • Steinberg taking much more time to develop Dorico extended the trial period ;)

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    @RLD said:

    Steinberg taking much more time to develop Dorico extended the trial period 😉

    Sad state of affairs when Dorico sets the bar for expectations of timely software development and delivery...