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  • Will there be more Synchron Strings demos before the early bird offer ends?

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    @plowman said:

    New samples and platforms are exciting, but anything that relieves deep, datailed, endless keyswitching would be genuinely ground-breaking. 


    this sounds nice, but how could an algorithm “know” if you want to play a staccato or a short detache (not to mention more fancy stuff like spiccato, harsh, …)? The information how the attack phase should be played and how long the note should sustain is simply not available at the moment a mere note-on message is received and at which the algorithm would have to pick an articulation. The algorithm could only use the previously played notes to “guess a likely articulation”, but this would strongly restrict our freedom and is definitely not something I would want (or it should at least be possible to disable such a feature). Because with a given algorithm one might either be able to play Haydn or Stravinsky, but hardly both 😉.  

    They mention continuous controllers, which could surely be very useful if implemented properly (in particular if they would "morph" different articulations), but this is just another form of manual articulation selection ... and it would be nice to know what exactly they do.

  • In more or less "worse case" it might be, that those algorithm tends to decide at least some details of articulation selection "automatically" depending to keyvelocity and speed like some embertone or Spitfire patches seem to do. If this makes it more difficult to conciously decide every detail of articulationselection I would regret it.


    If we are lucky than they have just streamlined the articulation selection to the musical decisions and reduced the complexity we currently have especially with the very rich samplecontent of VSL-Libraries to handle every variety of articulation type.

    What ever "Micro-articulation-switching" will mean, It will be a huge step forward as far it  makes it easier to change certain aspect (Accent, Length, Vibrato, etc.) of an articulation, without setting up the selection control of all possible varieties with seperate keyswitches or CC-data to trigger different matrixfield for everything what might be used as we did it until now. If ever we keep at least the possibility to completly decide each detail of ariculation decision, this could make things very much more comforable. 

    At least the Velocitylayer X-Fade seem to be improved as far as I understand in both the soundquality as well as in they way the user could handle it.

    I am quite curious to know every further usability improvement to come with the synchron player.

  • Is the new player is still analysing a midi flow ?

    The main problem of the Midi flow is that it does not say :" Play C, velocity XX for YY tick"

    It says "Play C velocity XX" an deending of the note length, I will send an "end C"

  • As ever, exciting news. But it would be very helpful before purchase if VSL could provide some information about what Synchron Strings can do which something like the Dimension Strings can't. I'm not thinking so much about the number of articulations, but more what the basic sounds will do. And especially in the context of being triggered by Sibelius, assuming there will be a soundset.


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    Hi everybody!

    Thanks for all your questions, comments (and speculations 😝)!

    It’s great to see that a lot of your wishful thinking are actually very thoughtful wishes 💡

    We will add more information in time.

    Until then: Enjoy the excitement and anticipation! We certainly do!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks, Paul!

    I only wanted to know what “in time” does mean? Do we get more information before the early bird offer ends?That would be great.

  • Hi,

    "In time" means when we are ready to provide more information. We will definitely share more information before the early bird offer ends. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • These strings are simply amazing! Question, since ambience is already recorded with those strings, I assume they don't need to be placed in a MIR Pro venue such as Syncron Stage?

  • No you don't need MIR. Like the Synchron Percussion. They are recorded with reverb.

    If you want to use some of the other dry-recored samples with the synchron series, just use the dry instruments in MIR in combination with roompack 6 (Synchron Stage).

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Ah great! It's awesome I don't have to worry about placing them in MIR... Can't wait for the new player!

  • " long the note should sustain is simply not available at the moment a mere note-on message is received and at which the algorithm would have to pick an articulation."

    Are you suggesting that VSL developers can't break the time-space continuum, i.e., tell the future? :-)  I too was going to discuss the impossibilities, but A. I have a lot of faith in VSL to do something outside of my imagination, B. they might aim for a "second pass" algorithm (as Kai described), and C. it was bedtime. But you are correct, of course, that note-on and velocity only, played live, has too little information to pick sample length and playing style. 

    Bring on the speculation. I haven't seen a tease campaign this much fun since the advent of Vienna Instruments. 

    By the way, for you folks in the States, you're getting a further discount (over 15%) if you buy in dollars (Ilio, et al) than online (in Euros). That is another kindness VSL extends, often unnoticed. It makes the math a whole lot simpler. Also, if you buy in Euros from the States, your credit card may ding you with a currency conversion fee.

    There's a speed bump, though, with Ilio: they can take a day or so to confirm the purchase and send the codes. 

  • Great Paul, but we need an strings-only demo! 

  • A couple of questions for VSL:

    Is the new Synchron Player only for Synchron libraries, or will it be able to be used with the older libraries as well?

    I'm really interested in the articulation switching, especially when played live. Could you post a video of someone playing a string section in real time showing how how different articulations are triggered or switched to? Also, seeing a video of how articulations are triggerd in Sibelius would be very helpful.



  • Hi,

    I went ahead, and purchased VSL Synchron Strings (Full Version) .  

    I used some VSL Vouchers I was holding on to quite a while back, which came in very handy !  

    Looking forward to more info. updates, and some really well crafted audio demos, and if possible some video tutorial demos of the new Synchron Player in action playing the new Synchron Strings I. 

    I'm super confident that Synchron Stirngs I sound amazing !  

    Thank You Very Much VSL, and Congratulations for making the move to your Synchron Stage based Libraries. I'm super excited, and delighted with these new developemnts, and would love to see the Brass, Woodwinds, then more Strings, ..etc. Released as time goes by. 




    There are some things that I would miss without MIR. Especially the PreEQs ("Silk" blends normal Strings so well with Mutet Strings). Please add the MIR PreEQ to the Synchron-Player if possible.


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    I've never been more excited about a library. Never.


    For years I only ever used VSL. Now I do use others, but VSL is always my favorite. BUT... the only reason I ever used anyone else was softer staccato attacks, more RR's for some articulations, and brilliant rooms. You guys didn't just take user feedback seriously, you took it to a whole freaking new level. Am I surprized? No. Am I freaking out with giddishly awesome joy? Possibly. It's so... beautiful. 😢🎉😃


    Can't wait to hear the demos!



  • Can someone explain what this means from the product info page: "We’ve developed a new sampling process wherein all performances are recorded and edited at 'fixed gain'"?

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    @nektarios said:

    Can someone explain what this means from the product info page: "We’ve developed a new sampling process wherein all performances are recorded and edited at 'fixed gain'"?

    I am assuming it means that the natural dynamic levels of each layer are captured in relation to each other so that the correct dynamic range of the instrument is preserved, also preserving the natural balance with the other instruments.  If that is the case and will extend to future brass and woodwind that would be very welcome. 

    Achieving accurate balance between dynamic layers and different instruments that are all recorded at essentially the same volume is both tricky and frustrating despite the tools available - and when it comes to dynamic layer balancing almost impossible to do in any meaningful way with the current software.

    I also notice there is no mention of performance trills (I'm guessing the half and whole trills listed are the traditional sampled type) - is this because they are simply included as the fastest layer of performance legato?  Considering the number of repetitions that are now available this would make sense - and would be very convenient.