With a Preload size of 8192 Samples, you will need around 10 GB of RAM for the FULL Libtrary / 1st Violins.
With a Preload size of 8192 Samples, you will need around 5 GB of RAM for the FULL Libtrary / 1st Violins.
Hi Paul! Is this a typo?
Presumably it should be
"With a Preload size of 8192 Samples, you will need around 10 GB of RAM for the FULL Libtrary / 1st Violins.
With a Preload size of 8192 Samples, you will need around 5 GB of RAM for the STANDARD Libtrary / 1st Violins."
with 32 GB RAM you are ready to load 1.+2. Violins of th all Microphonepositions of the FULL-Library with all Articlations tio let them play completly "insane tuttichord"😛 and with another 1-2 32GB PC's like that you are ready to let the whole Synchronstrings I be loaded and play completly "insane tuttichord"😛....
However in real world you will neither need always load all Microphonepositions nor all articulations and VSL obviously provided a bunch of options to reduce the amount of actual loaded articulations what means in consequence your 32 GB will presumably be still reasonably usable.