Personally, I consider things like this to be first world problems.
Everything we have to deal with is a first world problem. Making electronic music is a first world problem. Working as a composer and paying off your mortgage is a first world problem. We live in the first world. I don't see how pointing that out makes any difference at all.
Because right now in Syria, there is probably a woman looking for her daughter under a pile of rubble from an airstrike. Because right now, the poorest nation in the middle east is being bombed by Saudi Arabia and the people are starving. These are things I use to remind myself of how lucky I am and how angry/frustrated to get when things like a string library release get delayed. It puts things in perspective. I would also say that if the delay of this string library has put you at risk of paying your mortgage then you shouldn't have bought it to begin with. I would put paying my mortgage way, way higher on the priority list than spending money on a latest greatest string library. Again, this is a first world problem in my opinion. Keeps me from getting outraged at the great many little bumps in life.