As soon as the first parts of Synchron Strings I are completed, we’ll make them available to you.This will be in December, at the earliest possible date, you will definitely be ready for a great-sounding 2018!
Could you tell us when we'll get the full product we've paid for? I was expecting it any day, but I'm now being told that some bits will come in December, and then the full product will be some time in 2018. That's very disappointing indeed. It won't be fully useable for a long time. And that leaves me wondering whether we're talking about six months or longer to get what we've already paid for.
I understand that you've not got the product up to standard yet, but maybe you should have waited until it was working before trying to sell it to us.
This to be honest. How can a November release turn into December at some point, and even then only delivered in parts, 3 days before the end of November.
Seems like a bait and switch to me and i am regretting having bought it already. I should have waited as at this point, i don't understand what advantage anyone who has already bought it has....