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  • Komplete Kontrol-S with VEP

    It would excellent to have VEP nativly support the Komplete Kontrol-S keyboard light up feature!

    Are there any chances for this thing being implemented in any future?


  • Hello JTC, 

    Unfortunately the trouble here is that multiple hosts make this feature hard to use (Sequencer => VE PRO => KK host), but I hope that I will hear from my colleagues at Kontakt soon. 

    Maybe we find a way to implement it, but I don't think the chances are high..,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul

    It will be great if you could offer this just at the VI PRO level when you select the track in VE PRO

    Logic pro supports NKS

    A lot of  libsplayed by K5 support NKS (see link)



  • Thanks Paul for your replay! Indeed I can imagine it's a complicated route. But since Kontakt and VEP are worldwide standards in music production maybe there's some workaround to make things work together. 

    Holding thumbs!

  • Thing is Komplete Kontrol does kind of work in VEP. I can get multiple instances of VEP with Komplete Kontrol inside to work.

    The main problem is that Track Focus gets broken.

    When you host Komplete Kontrol directly inside a DAW, changing tracks in the DAW updates the Komplete Kontrol controller keyboard with the Light Guide and Controls changing to the next focused instrument.

    Granted its only a few DAWs that have this feature mainly Logic, Cubase and Digital Performer I think.

    However you can only use Komplete Kontrol on the local VEP server not on any slave machines as the hardware must be connected directly to the same machine as the software is hosted.

    I did try to load VEP server as a plugin inside Komplete Kontrol in the DAW and load Kontakt instruments inside the VEP Instance. It connects up but does not pass any Controls or Lightguide.

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    Janicek ,

    VSL has to mofify VI PRO to be compatible with NKS

    VSL must send the keyboard Lightguide, each control names and number..... to the Komplete Kontrol

    it's a year that users are asking that VSL supports NKS, but apparently VSL does not want to support NKS ! maybe one day they will change there mind.

    More users asking  for the NKS support, more there is chance that we will have it, 😊  may be in 2100 👍 LOL


    IT WILL BE  GREAT TO HAVE NKS, this will help a lot to use VSL live 😃 and bring more opportunity to sell more VSL libs

  • Actually VEP is already compatible with NKS. A single instance of Komplete Kontrol loads in VEP fine and there is full communication with the keyboard.

    However for the Komplete Kontrol software to communicate fully with the Hardware requires a plugin inside the DAW that from what I can see uses a communication similar to a Control Surface and USB MIDI.

    Because of this, using it inside VEP on a server, means there is no feedback between DAW and Komplete Kontrol so changing tracks doesnt work automatically. The only way to do this is by manually telling the Hardware to use a different Komplete Kontrol instance.

    The only way I could see it working is if you could load VEP inside an instance of Komplete Kontrol in the DAW and then connect to a Kontakt instance in VEP. But having tried this, there does not seem to be any feedback to the Hardware.

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    Hi Janicek,


    could you please clarify this?

    1. I want to use Logic on Macosx DAW and VEP on another Windows machine.

    2. I want to add  5 Instances  in VEP 

    3. In eaach of those instances I want to add one Komplete Control and in each of those 5 Komplete Controls to open Kontakt (or any other)

    4. Keyboard will be connected to my DAW.

    I am going to buy the Kontrol-S Keyboard but tell me WILL IT WORK? Or any solution? (I googled, there were some mode switching of the keyboard necessary?)




    @Janicek said:

    Actually VEP is already compatible with NKS. A single instance of Komplete Kontrol loads in VEP fine and there is full communication with the keyboard.

  • No it will not work unfortunately. Komplete Kontrol only works on the computer connected to the Keyboard.

  • Janicek thank you so much!

    And what if I connect the keyaboard to  my Windows VEP machine? WIll it change something? I never saw any purpose to do it but obviously it is possible to make a long USB cable and connect.

    Will I see the Kontakt controls on the keyboard? Will I be able to record to my host this way? The VEP machine does not have sound, it has only the internet

  • Doubt it will work, have not tried it. But until either NI or VSL work together to develop a version of VEP that supports Komplete Kontrol, basically an NKS compatible version of the VEP server plugin I am afraid its not going to work.

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    Oh so we need to ask until they do it...

    So only midi mode with CC does work?

    And what did you mean by: "Originally Posted by: Janicek ?? Does it work or not?

    Actually VEP is already compatible with NKS. A single instance of Komplete Kontrol loads in VEP fine and there is full communication with the keyboard.

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    VSL has to modify VI and VE to receive and send NKS commands to the KK

    This is the list of plug-ins compatible with NKS :

    Plug-ins compatible with NKS

    So far VSL is not in the list ! may be tomorow ;)

  • VSL. WHEN??? People demand

  • +1 !! Need lightguide! ASAP!!!

  • +1. Actually to my surprise, unlike instrument player and VI Pro, Vienna Imperial works out of the box with Komplete Kontrol; i.e. All CC's work , parameters can be controlled with knobs, labels are laid out Correctly, again out of the box. I have an S-88.

  • I have only VSL orchestra that was in the bundle with VEP. So can someone confirm how it is? I cannot see any labels of faders in my S61 NI keyboard. while loading any instrument in VEP

  • You should read my previous posts !

  • I am asking about Vienna Ensemble Pro not about Vienna Symophonic LIbrary

  • > I am asking about Vienna Ensemble Pro not about Vienna Symophonic LIbrary