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  • Cubase Decoupled seems 1/2 Broken....

    I have been having problems for a long time that if I disconnect from an instance that is "DECOUPLED" and reconnect it to a NEW connection or connect it to the wrong instance by accident that it will push the DATA back to VE PRO as if I was "COUPLED" at the time I disconnected.


    I can also see the behaviour that VE PRO is sending ALL the data to Cubase when I disconnect a "DECOUPLED" instance of VE PRO as if it is coupled.  If it is connected and Decoupled to a very large Viframe it will take a few seconds to disconnect as it is sending the data to Cubase when it should not be.


    A very simple test is to connect to a large Viframe in "Decoupled" mode and save the sequence in Cubase.  While connected the Cubase file size stays very small.  Now disconnect the "decoupled" instance and save Cubase and the sequence size of Cubase bloats up very large as it obviously saved all the data.  Then reconnect and Couple the instance and save the Cubase file and it will be the same size as the disconnected Decoupled file save.


    So it appears on my syustem that it is some how sending the unwanted data to Cubase after I disconnect from a DECOUPLED instance.  Please help solve this big problem.  Is there a preference file, etc... that could be corrupted on my host machine causing this?



  • Hi, 

    Thanks for the report. 

    As always, we can of course guess which OS and software versions you are using with which setup, but it will definitely help if you could provide that information right away. 

    Also, on your setup, did this work properly before (you are mentioning a "long time")?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hey Paul,

    I have noticed strange "coupled" like behavior here and there for at least a couple of years but had never actually done specific testing until yesterday to confirm some things that should not be happening.

    I am using the latest version of VE PRO 5 on Windows 10 across many other Windows 10 64 BIt computers.

    To put this in perspective a bit, I disconnected from about 10 fairly large VE PRO decoupled viframes and it added about 80 megs to the size of my Cubase sequence file size.  In theory I would suspect that it would and should add almost zero to the size of the sequence.

    Feel free to ask any other info as I am anxious for you to help sort this problem out.



  • Paul....

    Did you get a chance to investigate this yet?

  • Hi dlpmusic, 

    Karel Bassez, one of our developers, is looking into this over new years. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Great.


    Thanks for the update.


    Happy New Year!

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    Any info about what he found yet?


    @Paul said:

    Hi dlpmusic, 

    Karel Bassez, one of our developers, is looking into this over new years. 


  • Anything yet?

  • Nothing yet. 

    I have asked, and he is on it. 

    As I said, I will keep you up to date. 

    Thanks for your immense patience. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • In the mean time Paul can you confirm this behavior?

  • Hi,

    I didn´t check this yet, but will look at it when I return from the NAMM Show end of january. 
    But I believe your report is correct, and we definitely have to take a look at the Decouple feature for the next versions. I simply can´t make any promises regarding the time-line....


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hey Paul.....

    Patiently waiting.....any news on this?


    @Paul said:


    I didn´t check this yet, but will look at it when I return from the NAMM Show end of january. 
    But I believe your report is correct, and we definitely have to take a look at the Decouple feature for the next versions. I simply can´t make any promises regarding the time-line....


  • Hi, 

    I have talked to our developers, and we´re looking at an overall improved connection setup with the upcoming upgrade. No time-line yet, but I hope we can shoot this out in the next months. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Thanks Paul.


    @Paul said:


    I have talked to our developers, and we´re looking at an overall improved connection setup with the upcoming upgrade. No time-line yet, but I hope we can shoot this out in the next months. 


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    I am trying to patient but I could really use this fix.  My Cubase sequences are almost 200 megs each.  If the decouple function worked properly I believe my sequence file size would be closer to 20 megs.  This request for the fix is about 6 months old for a feature that is broken.  Can we get a real status update when his will actually be fixed?



    @Paul said:


    I have talked to our developers, and we´re looking at an overall improved connection setup with the upcoming upgrade. No time-line yet, but I hope we can shoot this out in the next months. 


  • Hello dlpmusic, 

    Thanks for your attempts to be patient, I'm sorry about this delay. 

    I can only work with the information I get from our development team, I also hope that we can get this right in the next weeks. 

    Sorry to have no better news. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Thanks for the update.  Just keep us posted if you get any new info.


    @Paul said:

    Hello dlpmusic, 

    Thanks for your attempts to be patient, I'm sorry about this delay. 

    I can only work with the information I get from our development team, I also hope that we can get this right in the next weeks. 

    Sorry to have no better news. 
