Library manual for Clarinet 2
It would also be good to know to what extent the Sibelius SoundSet that will be produced for the Clarinet 2 will avail of the extended technique samples. If these articulations are accessible from within the SoundSet that would be wonderful. If not then perhaps only th standard library is necessary for me.
Also, any info on when this SoundSet will be available would be great.
Demos sound great btw!
Hello fzd and Juergen!
Here's a direct link for the Clarinet in Bb 2 manual.
Clarinet in Bb 2 VI presets for Sibelius are already included in the latest version of the VSL Soundset Installer (v.1.0.67). The following extended articulations are included in the VI preset for Sibelius: portato_medium, sus_Vibrato, sus_Vib-progressive, perf-legato_Vibrato, perf-trill, Slap. Other extended techniques can be triggered with help of the six free custom cells.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Thanks Andi,
Looks very interesting. Two questions:
1. If I only have the Woodwinds Non-extended package, what would the cost of the Clarinet 2 be? (I presume the 50% reduction on the basic pack plus the full cost of the upgrade? Or is there a special rate available in this context also?).
2. I note the Multiphonics included are not described in terms of fingering and appreciate the variance between performers when implementing these (as mentioned in your document). However it would nevertheless be useful to have the fingerings of those performed as a reference. I enquired about these some years ago to the IRCAM Solo Instruments people and they responded by producing a special document outlining the fingerings used during the recording. (see attached). Perhaps this could also be added in this instance?
Incidentally it would be great to be able to upload docx and pdfs in addition to the current available file types.
IRCAM Multiphonics.doc-1696282499311-om3na.doc
Hello Juergen!
1.) According to our records you have the Bassoon 2 and the Woodwinds 2 standard collection (amongst others). So in order to get the Clarinet in Bb 2 standard for half price, you would also have to complete the Woodwinds Bundle standard (with Woodwinds I standard and Special Woodwinds standard). All details about the introductory offer can be found here:
2.) We have recorded over 200 different Multiphonics based on the book "Muliphonics für Klarinette mit deutschem System" by Gerhard Krassnitzer. Please understand that we can't offer fingering charts to such an extent. If you happen to have this book, I can send you a detailed chart which specific multiphonic number from the book is mapped to which key though.
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hi Andi,
Thanks for that info. If i decide to purchase (which is likely) then having that chart would be really wonderful.
I presume I can buy the standard version at 50% and add the extended purcahse later without having to upgrade the entire library? (To be honest i have not too much need for the extended library in this particular instance as the standard fulfills all my needs).
Thanks again,
Hello Juergen!
You can upgrade to the Woodwinds Bundle standard and will get 20% discount for Woodwinds I standard and Special Woodwinds standard. You can see your price on the product page under "Your Price" at the left.
http://www.vsl.co.at/en/Winds_Complete/Woodwinds_BundleIf you choose to get this upgrade, you will also get the Clarinet in Bb 2 standard for 50%.
You can upgrade to the full content of all or some collections at any time.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hello Janco!
I can provide a list with multiphonic numbers mapped to patches/keys. These numbers will only make sense if you happen to have the book "Muliphonics für Klarinette mit deutschem System" by Gerhard Krassnitzer. If you have this book indeed, let me know and I will send you the list.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Dear Andi, I have bought Clar 2 specifically for multiphonics !
Later I have ordered and got the Krassnitzer book too .
with the multiS you used.
That would UNVALUABLE.
It is the last orchestration part I miss before deliverying a massive score for a new Opera of mine in Paris at opera Bastille/ Garnier.
Frankly Im trying the get them by ear BUT IT IS A CATASTROPHE !!!!! Im waisting days.
Pleaae !!!
sincerely grateful, Luca Francesconi
Hello Andi,
I also happen to have the Krassnitzer book, and am curious which of the multiphonics have been incorporated into the Clarinet 2 library.
Would you please send me a copy of the chart as well?
Hello! As an owner of the book I would be very interested in the chart, thank you..
@andi said:
Hello Juergen!
1.) According to our records you have the Bassoon 2 and the Woodwinds 2 standard collection (amongst others). So in order to get the Clarinet in Bb 2 standard for half price, you would also have to complete the Woodwinds Bundle standard (with Woodwinds I standard and Special Woodwinds standard). All details about the introductory offer can be found here:
2.) We have recorded over 200 different Multiphonics based on the book "Muliphonics für Klarinette mit deutschem System" by Gerhard Krassnitzer. Please understand that we can't offer fingering charts to such an extent. If you happen to have this book, I can send you a detailed chart which specific multiphonic number from the book is mapped to which key though.
AndiHello Andi, Can you please also email me the overview of the Multiphonics?
Many thanks and best regards,
Andreas Kunstein
Hello Andreas!
I have to stress once again that this table will only be of any use, if you happen to have the book "Muliphonics für Klarinette mit deutschem System" by Gerhard Krassnitzer. The table is attached to this post and hereby I lay this old thread to rest.
Download "Clarinet2_Multiphonics_Mapping_Chart.zip"
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
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