Hi Stephane!
I've experienced the same thing, however, if I leave that section of music for a while, when I return to it I again experience drops. For me, this fix is quite unreliable because sometimes it will play OK but then begin to drop again on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th play. Furthermore, what if the whole piece struggles to play because of the density? It's too easy to get voice counts above 2500 with DS. Having to play through a piece multiple times is an incredibly frustraing experience, because "quick fixes" now turn into 10 minute slogs while I put my DAW in loop playback and leave the room for 10 minutes while it attempts to load everything.
It's curious that doing anything in Cubase or MIR has any effect, because isn't the issue hitting the voice limit and not CPU spikes? I think the high latency values that you are describing are quite unwieldy for doing any sort of composing since there is just too much lag in order to play naturally. Maybe it's OK for mixing.
My template could load in less than 2 minutes if it wasn't for Dimension Strings, but because I have to increase the DS preload buffer to >8192, loading is quite a painful experience.
Since no one yet has chimed in to say that they can run full DS without any problems, again I'll reiterate my stance that DS absolutely needs some lighter patches-- please: no reduced velocity layers, just save the enembles as single patches. The solo players are already well balanced with each other, and each ensemble size (div2, div 3, etc.) already has its own slot in MIR. Not to mention that it would make customizing the patches in VIPro much easier, since instead of making changes to 8 slots we'd only have to make changes to one slot. Not to mention that VSL could benefit from being able to drop the system requirements on this great library. I can't see the drawback to doing this, except for the poor guys at VSL who actually have to do it :-P
Thanks for the input.