I've just opened my old Wagner Lohengrin project to see what CPU usage values I get when I play the whole project - it almost never goes over 50 %, and it never goes over 60 % (and it's 52 VI instances in MIR's Berlin Teldex venue + over 30 audio plug-in instances).
I have 12 DS violins + 4 solo violins + 2 orchestral violins instances for violins 1+2.
I now remembered I did have voice dropouts in this project, but only when I played it through for the first time after opening it. After that first playback, no further voice dropping whatsoever.
My latency setting for MIR is 16384.
You guys have multi-threading enabled in VE's preferences?
I did not have vienna ensemble pro to host my vienna instrument.
Is it beneficial to have VEP instead of loading VI as plug-in?
Also, did you enable velocity x-fade while working with DS legato patches?
Yes, VEP is very memory and CPU efficient (apart from all the other advantages it has).
I have both vel xfade (on all) and slot xfade (on some players) on DS patches in this project (with slot xfade you can double the voice count for an instance if the two patches have the same number of velocity layers).