William, I never saw Beat's examples as an attack on VSL. Quite the opposite, had I heard his examples during my time that I was shopping around for an Orchestral library, it would be a huge selling point for me for buying VSL. I like and appreciate Beat's work around VSL. And yes, I totally agree that VSL products are masterpieces. I thank God a company like this decided to create a wonderful and amazing product like VSL. For me, my only complain is I wish there was better documentation and better prices... :D Concerning MIR, I probably will end up buying MIR because let's face it, it's a reverb specifically for Orchestral pieces! What Beat demonstrated though is that you can achieve pleasing results with other reverbs, but it is a different way of working (for example, using two reverbs, disabling the tail of the first reverb etc.) All depends on the sound you are looking for. Anyway, my two cents...
I worked hard on a... Chamberstrings - Dimensionstrings - demo ... and of course without MIR.
I used the same piece of music and played it with the Chamber library, with those of the DS-library and also with...
I used the same mixer, the same output Bus/Effects...
... and
here is the result:
All the important matters are explained in the video. Press "pause" for a better reading of all the context information.
Keep in mind that this is a comparison of the sounds of all the libraries.
So the video doesn't show for example the huge flexibility of the Dimension Strings compared to the other libraries - specially in connection with MIR.
Finally the whole piece - now with a recorder as well: Telemann, D-Suite for Viola
With all your demos I make out that obviously the library is used as we are using the chamber- or orchestra library.
So my questions
Can you publish a DS-Demo ...
A) ...which shows all 8 violins individual triggered or even played with individual articulations?
B) ...which shows the difference "single triggered / multiple trigered" and/or "one articulation for all/ multiple articulations?
C) ...which uses this multiple technique with the whole orchestra?
Thanks in advance
I would like "unison-ensemble-demos" of DS which ares playing not very precise and more individual than the chambers do ...the promissed main advantage of DS - so to say.
Therefore I am interested in a piece of orchestra, played with DS with the possible individual play of each player.
That's the sound I would like to hear now but with the whole orchestra.
Beat, it could be that you don't know until now that you have a Ferrari but you always drive it only with 30km/h 😉
I want to know the real potential of the DS-Library. That's why I'm asking for the demos above.
All the best.
About the "Ferrari for shopping": Each articulation seems to come 8times or more with DS (one for each player) in case of the violins.
But it seems to me that you only use them as one sound. So, having tonnes of samples on board but only using them always as one sound brought me to the comparison with the Ferrari and 30km/h... maybe a bit a daring comparison, sorry, but it probably contains a core of truth.
Now you posted 4 pages and I didn't get a demo...
I don't want to discuss about libraries and effects...
I only hope to listen to a string piece which contains obviously the big advantage of the Dimensions: The individual play of each musician in unison.
I would like a demo...
I don't want to discuss libraries, techniques, effects,
I only would like to get a DS orchestra demo
played with the individual trigger mode,
please, please please!!!
A link is enough
words words words but obviously no demo.
I find it takes a lot of work to get Dimension Strings sounding their best. A real string section has a different performance from each person, and I can't see a way to re-create that without recording a separate performance for each player. When I do that I think it's magical.
With a conventional string library, the natural variations amongst the musicians are already baked in. With DS that's not the case, so if you give everyone an identical MIDI track, it can sound like an orchestra of robots, as you are eliminating the natural variations between the players (such as timing, tuning and dynamics).
The Humanize controls are fantastic time-savers and the results are very impressive, but I think the best way to reproduce the sound of individual musicians is to record separate performances.
I'd love to get a Dimension orchestra together, with a different person playing each musician's part and see what it sounds like. I'd imagine it could be awe-inspiring.
@johnstaf said:
A real string section has a different performance from each person, and I can't see a way to re-create that without recording a separate performance for each player. When I do that I think it's magical.
With a conventional string library, the natural variations amongst the musicians are already baked in. With DS that's not the case
That is exactly right and why I don't understand this weird attack on Dimension - it is a unique library in all sampling systems yet done - there is nothing else like it - and it became obvious to me the second I started using it the potential is huge, either using it alone or with the other VSL strings. It is truly like having each player of a string ensemble in your own room, playing exactly what you want them to play, with all their individual differences. And one may use separate tracks for each and every player, or just one track for all of them with humanize, so it has a lot of flexibility in how much you want to make of it.
@johnstaf said:
I'd love to get a Dimension orchestra together, with a different person playing each musician's part and see what it sounds like. I'd imagine it could be awe-inspiring.Why not going one step further: When you program each part seperately it is still only one person (you) who makes the decisions, while in an orchestra each violin is played by an different human being. As a result of trying to get hyper-realistic you might end up to program violin 8 in a way you would not play it yourself - just for the sake of individualism.
So here's the idea: 25 users (at least) of the DS library collaborate in programming 1 piece of orchestral music. Tempo will be designated. Each user will do only one single instrument of te DS lib according to his individual taste. Result will be exported into a standard midi file, also the VI Pro matrix/performance will be saved. All individual tracks will be collected by one user who will put them together in his DAW setup and apply any kind of reverb.
I would be in.
Hilarious Idea MassMover. I would also be in :)@MassMover said:
Why not going one step further: When you program each part seperately it is still only one person (you) who makes the decisions, while in an orchestra each violin is played by an different human being. As a result of trying to get hyper-realistic you might end up to program violin 8 in a way you would not play it yourself - just for the sake of individualism.
So here's the idea: 25 users (at least) of the DS library collaborate in programming 1 piece of orchestral music. Tempo will be designated. Each user will do only one single instrument of te DS lib according to his individual taste. Result will be exported into a standard midi file, also the VI Pro matrix/performance will be saved. All individual tracks will be collected by one user who will put them together in his DAW setup and apply any kind of reverb.
I would be in.
Hi all
I opened this thread with a question
Things have changed and since I'm able to discover the Dimension Library and give answers to myself. Further, I don't want to favour one VSL product against another. So I suggest closing this threadMy question and all demos triggered a lot of reactions here.
There were lots of constructive and positive posts but also some aggressive or provocative ones.
Those latter feedbacks show me that their users "are in love" with their VSL product. Fine!
A request from my side: Try to accept that other users are in love with other products and that they made other experiences with products than you... ;-)So let us finally celebrate VSL and all their fantastic products which are giving us so many hours of joy and pleasure.
And thank you very much for your time and efforts.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/ -
@MassMover said:
So here's the idea: 25 users (at least) of the DS library collaborate in programming 1 piece of orchestral music. Tempo will be designated. Each user will do only one single instrument of te DS lib according to his individual taste. Result will be exported into a standard midi file, also the VI Pro matrix/performance will be saved. All individual tracks will be collected by one user who will put them together in his DAW setup and apply any kind of reverb.
I would be in.
[Y] Open a new thread and offer all the important things to start the experiment.
Offer a midifile and an address where we can send our results.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/ -
Hi all
I opened this thread with a question
Things have changed and since I'm able to discover the Dimension Library and give answers to myself. Further, I don't want to favour one VSL product against another. So I suggest closing this threadMy question and all demos triggered a lot of reactions here.
There were lots of constructive and positive posts but also some aggressive or provocative ones.
Those latter feedbacks show me that their users "are in love" with their VSL product. Fine!
A request from my side: Try to accept that other users are in love with other products and that they made other experiences with products than you... 😉So let us finally celebrate VSL and all their fantastic products which are giving us so many hours of joy and pleasure.
And thank you very much for your time and efforts.
words words words but obviously no demo.
@Sam Harris said:
words words words but obviously no demo.Hi Sam
Welcome in the World of VSL.
I couldn't understand your first post because I never thought that a first post can be so arrogant. Now I got the confirmation.
Though I asked for a demo - nobody did a biger demo than me:
If you want to have some more VSL-demos, vist this page: http://www.beat-kaufmann.com/demos/index.php
So I mean your two posts against me are far away from being fair. I'm keen on your performance here in the forum, my dear.
I hope to get more than copy and paste...
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/ -
Hi Beat,
Just dropping by. After all these rather heavy posts just a very neutral (as possible) contribution: I have made a test with many elements of your request involved. No further commenting on this page, I prefer to leave this to other people as usual.
As simple as that, to fulfil your wishes.Please follow this link to my blog and enjoy the comparison between 16 (!) tracks. There is more to come (a somewhat faster second half of the theme), so stay tuned.
And no, not any MIR here, again: at your service Beat 😊
[EDIT: added Chamber Strings]
Hello Erik
I only can say: Thank you very very much!
I will visit your Blog this weekend and carefully listen to all the examples.
[^] [^] [^] [Y] [Y] [Y] [H] [H] [H]
All the best
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/ -
...@John Melcher said:
That's pretty amazing, since the MIDI specification was published in 1983.Hi Mr. Detective
OK, you are right, nevertheless I bought my first Roland Synthesizer in 1975. It was an SH-7 (which came on the market in 1973) and of course it was controlled by Voltage (CV).
Of course I only wanted to say that I'm an "old hand" in the synthetic sound and sample world.
Give us a link for listening to your "much-more-realistic-orchestra", please. So we have at least one demo even if it is not quite the one I like to have.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. 😊
The piece I referred to (which isn't quite finished) is here:
It's scored for 48 strings (12-12-10-8-6) and percussion (VSL Percussion). It uses a lot of quarter-tones.
I realize that ultra-realism in unison lines is the primary selling point for most users, but for me it's being able to have extreme divisi without phasing artifacts, at those times when the same note is played by 2,3 or more players.
@John Melcher said:
...It's scored for 48 strings (12-12-10-8-6) and percussion (VSL Percussion). It uses a lot of quarter-tones.Hi John
This piece sounds great. All these strings (divisi) sound like a new instrument and the "stringy" sound of the DS supports the monster-horror-feeling in a good way.
And I totally agree: The DS Library is perfect for this task.
Thanks for sharing this example.
I wish you a lot energy for bringing this monsterpiece to a happy end.
All the best
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/ -
@nektarios - Why do you not want MIR Pro 24? I can understand you may want an unlimited MIR at a lower price, and I don't like having to pay about $350 or more to upgrade to MIR full when I only need a couple more channels of MIR, but MIR 24 works in a lot of situations. Of course DS has 25 instruments. :(
if you have Vienna Suite you can use that for everything else.
Anyway, an old thread, but I thought it was a curious statement.
Regards, Steve Steele https://www.stevesteele.com -
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/
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